The constant and hysterical denunciations of Conservativism and Reagan that are blanketing the airwaves lately, only mean one thing...
...the Progressives are scared to death of us.
They know we have the only message that can defeat them: FREEDOM & TRUTH!
Don't falter, don't buy their bullshit. They fear us because we are, in fact, dangerous to them. We have the better minds, the better arguments, the better policies, the better principles.
We can only lose the battle if we lose confidence; if we allow them to make us doubt ourselves.
They have the Media, the Presidency, the Congress, the entire Education System...
...and still, they fear us.
Let's recognize what they know. What they do demonstrates how powerful they know we really are. As always...don't listen to what they attention to what they DO.
And what they are doing is trying, desperately, to marginalize an opponent of whom they are terrified. Even irrational Progressives don't fear weak impotence. Their very hysteria proves our potence, our power, our potential.
They see it clearly...and it scares them to death.
We need to see as clearly as they do that Conservatism...not "Moderation"...will sweep the elections, and bury Progressivism if we have the courage, the energy and the confidence to unleash it in it's pure, undiluted, uncompromised wholeness.
Shun the "moderates" and their muddled message. They're just wishy-washy cowards that have no principles, and no goals beyond getting elected, and clinging to power. Ignore the Progressive screeching that we must embrace them. They know if we do...we commit moral and political suicide, and deliver the Republic into the hands of the Looters and Destroyers.
"Stand, Men of the West!"
Stand and fight the Progressive Orcs....the Borg Collective!*
The Gunslinger
*Yes, I'm one of those Sci-Fi/Fantasy nerds...
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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