Wednesday, February 04, 2009

There's a Bad Moon Rising

In my opinion, the "may" in the headline below makes it wildly optimistic. I think the author agrees. This is an important read because it lumps all the various, nefarious actions, attitudes and policies of the Zero reign in one place.

It's so easy to get caught up in one or another of the individual outrages, sometimes it's hard to see the bigger picture...the dangerous direction...the ominous trend.

James Lewis: Obama May Become a Disaster

"By their actions ye shall know them. By now we are seeing an ominous pattern of actions by the O administration. We know that President Obama is a very slick liar indeed, but then so was Bill Clinton. But Clinton had a smaller majority in Congress, and was forced to compromise after the Gingrich Congress was elected in 1994. It is still possible that Obama may turn toward the mainstream. But the early omens look dark."

The Gunslinger


  1. More bad news for our great Union. . .

  2. He is communist, that is worse

  3. He's a fascist. Which encompasses both!
