It was this passage that slammed that light bulb on over my head, particularly the bit I've italicized:
"The Republican Party is arguably weaker today than it was in 1993, given Obama's popularity and the enormous weight Republicans are carrying after eight years under President George W. Bush."This line so casually assumes, accepts as fact, the idea that George W. Bush was some sort of disaster as President. It doesn't question, it doesn't parse why President Bush ended up being seen as a problem. It just glibly states his failure, his unpopularity, his "burdenship" as a given.
But that's not what happened.
What happened is that Democrats spent eight years designing that reputation, and eight years, literally screaming, ranting, blaming and howling, from government positions, from the Slobbering media, from the internet, from their paltry liberal radio and its pathetic clones (while they were being fully funded by Soros et al's money) creating that mythology.
And now they toss off lines like the above, confirming their own fantasy as though it were fact.
No. No. No.
President Bush was an honorable guy, given a rotten hand: 9-11, New Orleans, Mortgage Meltdown.
Somehow, all three of these have become "his fault" even though---
1) The Malfeasant Democrat Clinton ignored the terrorist threat, let Bin Laden slip through his fingers, acted like a paper tiger, emboldening the terrorists, and as good as provoked the attack.
2) Bush acted according to protocol after Katrina, expecting the Malfeasant Democrat Mayor City of New Orleans and Governor of the State of Louisiana to step up like adults and do their assigned tasks, their appropriate duty, which they utterly failed to do. And when when the gaping hole caused by City and State feckless lack of leadership, incompetence, corruption, failure and shame clearly needed to be filled by adults, he was forced to use FEMA, a department not designed to be "first responders", but found themselves scrambling to fulfill that role, both he and they were castigated and assaulted from every acre of the Liberal landscape for not doing, perfectly, a job they were never trained, expected, tasked, or designed to do.
And let's not forget the utter lack of self-direction, self-reliance, self-respect of the pathetic slave-mentality "citizens" who wouldn't/couldn't get out of their own way...and exacerbated a dreadful situation into a desperate crisis. It was a behavior nobody expected, and one that was not seen among average Americans elsewhere all along Katrina's destructive path, who were equally devastated, but who behaved as the full-fledged, adult, responsible citizens of the land of the free and the home of the brave that they are—self-reliant and industrious, without complaining, whining, or blaming.
3) Bush and his administration tried, several times to get the Malfeasant Democrat Congress to acknowledge and act on the fact that the mortgage situation, particularly the quasi governmental institutions of Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and needed immediate reform and direct oversight. Listen to the infamous Maxine Waters, Shumer, Dodd, Franks insultingly insist that those institutions were perfectly in order, perfectly well-run, perfectly solvent, while they were tottering on the brink, under the leadership of Democrat clowns lining their own pockets with the spoils of the coming disaster.
Not only did the Leftists and criminal Democrats falsely accuse President Bush, they convicted him of their own crimes!
That anyone could write, without comment: "the enormous weight Republicans are carrying after eight years under President George W. Bush." just demonstrates that the Slobbering Media and the Left are still beating that horse, are now making sure that their invented story becomes unquestioned reality. Or perhaps, even worse, perhaps it means it has already become least in the short term—until some honest historian who doesn't suffer from BDS decides to tell the real story.
The liberal Democrats and their masters, fellow-travelers and useful idiots willfully, intentionally and purposely destroyed the Presidency of George W. Bush to the extent that such a line can be written casually as though the truth of it were perfectly obvious to all living things.
But it is a lie. A lie concocted and promulgated with intensity, vigor, and evil intent. It was not George Bush that failed. It was the incessant propaganda machine of the Liberals that succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
They made lies history and history a lie.
(And they're just getting started. Their next target has been chosen: Talk Radio.)
This is why they want "bipartisanship" from Conservatives and Republicans. They don't want us going into combat mode because they want to be the only soldiers on the field. They want us unarmed (!), and to slaughter us without a fight, just like they did President Bush. They want us to "give Zero a chance"...because they know how successful a cacophony of resistance and obstruction and objection and slander and libel and accusation and the constant drumbeat of "Failure!, Failure! Evil! Evil! Idiot! Idiot!" can be.
They want, more than anything, for us to SHUT UP because they have proved that constant chitter, chatter, harping, criticism, undermining, screaming, howling, yowling, assault, clamoring and mocking....WORK.
And they will do anything, anything...including shred the Constitution to violate Free Speech and illegally silence dissent to make sure we cannot do to them what they did to us.
Which is, of course, EXACTLY what we have to do!
George Bush was an America-loving political opponent, and they destroyed him for power.
Barack Obama is an America-hating enemy of freedom and truth. He is doing everything he can, along with his posse, to overturn our Republic and create a Soviet-like Central State to bring slavery back to America. Whether he is stupid or evil, a clueless narcissist or a villainous incipient dictator is irrelevant. The results will be the same. And he must be destroyed.
"He" must be destroyed because Obama—by chance or design—is the face of American totalitarianism. The "Beloved Leader" without whom the movement dies. Like Castro or Hitler, it is his personal popularity, his personal charisma that is holding their precarious movement together. Behind him, in the shadows, shielded by the Media Glow are the same old losing ideas, false promises, failed policies of the last 100 years. Dessicated, lifeless, wormy and mouldering.
We must remove the blinding artificial glare, so the true light of day will reveal the rotting corpses behind the grinning mask called Barack Obama.
We must destroy him for the survival of America and for human Liberty. The United States is the bulwark of freedom in the world. That's why they call the President of the United States "The Leader of the Free World". If we fail. The Free World fails.
Too many of our fellow-citizens, and, indeed, too many of the citizens of the rest of the Free World fail to believe that could ever happen. They live under the delusion that freedom is spontaneous, automatic, guaranteed, free. And they have never considered the alternative—the only thing that will be left to them if the Free World fails: serfdom and slavery.
This is the fight we are in. And the enemy has declared there are no "gentlemen's rules" in this game. And we'd better believe them. This is a bloody, tooth & claw battle for survival.
And part of their strategy is convincing us to be polite, to wish the adversary well, to "give him a chance", to be "supportive", to be "bipartisan", to courteously put our necks on the block beneath their axes, and smile as they drop the blade.
I don't think George Washington worried too much about whether King George thought he was polite. I don't think Thomas Jefferson worried too much about whether the English Court approved of his manners. I don't think the Swamp Fox worried about whether the British officers thought he was "fighting fair". It's time for us to realize that courtesy to a brute is a waste of time. Shall we be courteous to a charging bull, an attacking polar pear, a snarling rabid dog? It does us no honor. It makes us fools. Dead fools.
There was only one goal in 1776: WIN FREEDOM. And now fate and human stupidity and evil has led us to this moment: We might win that freedom again. It's our turn. We cannot permit what they won for us to be lost.
We do have one advantage: our enemy has taught us how to win. We have witnessed their campaign for eight years. And we saw it conquer truth, patriotism, honor, better ideas, a finer man, a vastly larger army.
They began the brutal and bloody attack immediately (November 8, 1999) and they have never paused this day.
Now, it's our job to follow that successful battle plan. But, unlike them, we do no have to soil our honor by destroying a good man with lies. It is our mission to destroy a bad man with Truth!
We must continuously expose the sick, ugly truth every day, every moment. We must never let up, but relentlessly attack him until our tune becomes the national theme song.
Obama and his minions are issuing in the New Dark Ages with hallelujahs and town-meetings. And it's up to us to go on and stay on the offensive until we drive these criminals into the sea of historical oblivion once and for all.
I want to see this line written soon:
"...the enormous weight Democrats are carrying under the incompetent, shattered and failed Presidency of Barack Obama."And I want it to be such a part of the cultural meme that no one even raises an eyebrow. That's our job. To destroy this President with the same intensity and vigor...and "whatever-it-takes" commitment that they used on Bush. The destruction of his Party will follow.
Starting here, starting now. No honeymoon, no courtesy, no respect, no pause, no quarter, no retreat, no surrender, no prisoners—until the enemy are all lifeless on the field of rhetorical battle.
I will no longer be concerned about being considered "extreme" or "hateful" or "partisan" or "closed-minded" or "racist", or "bigoted", or 'fringe", or "ignorant", or "what-the-fuck-ever". It's not important; nor does it undermine your argument, as we found to our stunned surprise and everlasting disappointment. Everyone knew that was funded by the bloated Soros. Everyone knew that the Daily Kos and Democratic Underground were nutters, most people eventually knew that the Slobbering Media were biased. But the Left never shut up, and in spite of public awareness or preference, the argument moved farther and farther left, pushed by their constant wailing, until we find ourselves debating whether Socialism is "really so bad"!
Just a few years ago that would have been like asking "Is mass murder is really so bad?", or "Is raping 3-year-olds really that bad?"
That's success, folks.
Their level of idiocy didn't matter. Their blatant partisanship didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was the consistency and the volume of their chatter....and the ability of that incessant yammering to have a measurable, serious effect on the movement of their party and the ground of the national debate.
We nasty, racist, bigoted, hateful, bible & gun-clinging citizens can do exactly the same thing. And we'd better. We don't have the luxury of the Slobbering Media in our corner. That only means we have to be more creative. And, let's face it, it's not hard to be more creative than the idiots parading in the moron groove the Leftist have worn into the political ground.
Whether this is civilized or not the issue. Whether it's high-minded or not the issue. Whether it's fair or not the issue. Whether it's scandalous that Americans are so easily fooled and led is...not the issue. Whether it's "partisan" or not the issue. Whether we'd rather have a "debate on the issues" rather than personalities or not the issue. Whether we wish our fellow-citizens knew history, understood the issues, were aware of the consequences of not the issue. Whether we'd rather sit in silk debating sedately over tea rather than rolling around in the mud, the blood and the not the issue.
The battlefield is what it is.
Either we are prepared to do what is necessary to win, or we might as well just shut up, kneel down, and snap on our own chains.
The Gunslinger
P.S. This, from Eric Cantor is EXACTLY what we must NEVER listen to:
"I think people out there across the country elected this president because he inspired the notion that we can change," he said. "Not to be so trite as to invoke his campaign slogan, but I do think there was some substance behind it in terms of what people thought in voting for him.
"Banking off that mood of the country right now, I think it's incumbent upon us to reach out to him and see if we can work together."
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