Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Sound of Silence

Headline: FEMA Condemned for Slow Response to Ice Storm Crisis

From the Midwest to the East Coast. People are freezing to death all over Kentucky.

I'm waiting to hear the accusations that Zero hates White people—and that he's responsible for the weather.

*sound of crickets*

Where are the breathless Media reports of administration malfeasance causing the suffering of so many helpless victims?


Doesn't that black bitch Kanye West have anything to say on national television about this racist outrage?

*sound of more crickets*

Silly me, how can he possibly talk with his tongue so far up Zero's ass?

The Gunslinger


  1. Well said.
    Yes, where are the unicorns?

    No, wait:

  2. Love the "crickets"! I was gonna frwd a myspace post from an Obama supporter to you,but it said the same you just did.She's "disappointed".She even brought up your second sentence and Kanye bs,as well.Buddy of mine said it in November..."6 months from now you won't find anyone who'll admit that voted for him".

  3. Hell yea wheres my FEMA trailer and my FEMA generator and my FEMA bottled water and my FEMA hooker??????????Oh wait I know,Kentucky didnt vote for Obomber guess he'll teach us to diss him that way.

  4. Low and Slow...don't forget your FEMA Cash Card...

    TJ...I hope your Buddy is right...the alternative is the adoration of Zero no matter WHAT he does. Especially by the media. Which is more what I've expected. If his own voters distance themselves, he loses all power to do the damage he clearly has in mind.
