Sunday, February 15, 2009

The "Presidential" Poser

Star Parker at Back on Uncle Sam's Plantation

"...Worse, socialism seems to be the element of our new young president. And maybe even more troubling, our corporate executives seem happy to move onto the plantation.

In an op-ed on the opinion page of the Washington Post, Mr. Obama is clear that the goal of his trillion dollar spending plan is much more than short term economic stimulus.

"This plan is more than a prescription for short-term spending-it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, health care, and education."

Perhaps more incredibly, Obama seems to think that government taking over an economy is a new idea. Or that massive growth in government can take place "with unprecedented transparency and accountability."

Given what we've seen of Zero these last weeks, I think it's a safe bet that Star's observation about his not knowing that socialism has been tried and failed is entirely likely. He seems to be genuinely ignorant about most everything...except how to inspire soft-headed, needy crowds, with vague, meaningless, if pretty, rhetoric.

I don't believe he has any thoughts about socialism one way or the other. I don't think he means or believes anything he says. I don't think he even necessarily understands what he says. I think he's an actor reading a script.

What we have here, people, is a ridiculously incompetent, marginally educated, affirmative action scholar, inexperienced, unprincipled, self-serving man. One so unsuited for the job thrust upon him, I don't think he'll be allowed to do it.

He may actually believe that running around to town-hall meetings, kissing homeless hustlers and listening to breathless MacDonald's employees actually IS the job of the President. He may think that running to Chicago on Air Force One to dine out with the Hulking Goblin with all the pomp and circumstance and deference given the "President" IS the job of the President.

He may think that his job is looking good, making speeches & campaigning. After all, that's all he's ever really done in his former elected offices.

But even I don't think he's that stupid.

I believe we have our first intentional "figure-head" President. Our first completely empty suit, who knows so little that he literally cannot do much of anything at all in a job that so overwhelms his minute skill set and real education...that it is, literally those "behind" the throne that will be running the country.

If you consider the people he's "chosen" to fill his administration, they're literally all people who already have agendas, programs, intentions, plans, styles, policies—quite undetermined by Barack Obama. They are all perfectly capable of doing their jobs and running the White House quite without his input or direction. Not one of them is a novice, or newcomer who might expect or want Obama's guidance, vision or inspiration in the day to day work of the West Wing.

Do you get the feeling that he's gathered them as the best people to further his agenda and infused them with his vision? Or do you get the feeling that he just read a list given to him of faithful, journeyman partisan apparatchiks put together by the real strongmen of the Party?

I don't think the guy's in charge. I think he's a front. A front with exactly the right limited skill set. He can read a speech well. He's black. He's got no principles. He's never shown any interest in actual responsibility. He doesn't mind living very well under false pretenses on other people's money.

He's perfect.

Well, until his narcissism convinces him that he really IS President. And then, all bets are off.

The Gunslinger

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