Monday, January 26, 2009

Yes, Zero, Rush is the Problem

Being a nasty, Zero hating retard, reading this story today made me feel a little better.

The boy is having a bad week. And while I understand how unchristian it is, I can't help hugging myself a little and grinning.

Stupid to insult Rush Limbaugh - and his millions of listeners, giving the lie to his promise of "unity" and "bi-partisanship".

Stupid to get snotty with the press for asking a couple of real questions. (Not hard ones, just real ones.)

Stupid to imagine he could sign an executive order authorizing taxpayer money for abortions worldwide...and think he could run it under the radar by not doing it on camera.

Stupid to imagine he could maintain his pose as "bi-partisan" while supporting a "stimulus" package written without a single Republican contribution, and snapping "I won" when questioned.

Zero's pissed because he can't control the message. He wants to be a Left-Wing partisan, but have the message be that he's "bi-partisan". He wants to advance abortion, but have the message be that he wants to prevent unwanted pregnancy. He wants to avoid real questions by the press, but have the message be that he's open and honest and "transparent".

And it ain't workin' that way. He's flailing because he's not getting his way. And I suspect it's never happened before. He's gotten nasty twice, once at the press...and once at Republicans. Six days, and he's already shown his teeth twice

Amateur hour. Just as we predicted.

The Gunslinger


  1. What WAS I thinking?

    You're right, of course!

  2. Amazing.... I must have left my liberal-tinted glasses in my other jacket, I didn't read the part where you said all this was because he was black.
