Monday, January 26, 2009

Thus Sayeth The Sun King

The comments came during the same meeting in which Obama told Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., that his plan would be getting pushed through because "I won," according to aides briefed on the meeting.

"I will trump you on that," he added as Cantor was discussing his problems with the stimulus legislation.

"We just have a difference here, and I'm president," Obama continued, according to another account by Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel said Obama was being lighthearted and that lawmakers from both parties laughed. Cantor later agreed that the comment was made with no ill intent

Read the entire report here.

Lighthearted? No ill intent?

Have you heard the quotation "In vino veritas"? It means drunks tell the truth. So does humor. That's what makes it "funny".

The boy means it. Trust me.

Six days in. Can't wait to hear what he says after a year of flights in Air Force One, and a thousand salutes, and a couple dozen times hearing "Hail To The Chief".

The Gunslinger

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