Thursday, January 29, 2009

Slobbering Clueless Losers

This morning, I heard Rush railing about how the Slobbering Cultist Media didn't mention that every single Republican voted against the "unifier's" Leftist-Wet-Dream-Spending-Spree (called a "stimulus" package). And that if it had been Bush, they would have made sure to say that it was a "strictly partisan" vote, in which the Republican's rammed their partisan bill down the throats of the Democrats, who bravely stood as one to oppose it, on principle.

I realized it's time to stop mentioning the behavior of the Press, except to laugh at them. There is no point in being outraged at their bias....because it's long since gone way past simple bias.

To get mad at the media for being Leftist Propagandists makes about as much sense as getting mad at alligators or sharks for having big teeth. It is what it is, they are what they are.

It's time we stop even giving them the importance they no longer deserve, by acting like we expect more of them. They are jokes and has-beens. They are clowns and fools. They are suck-asses and whores. They are oblivious, slobbering adorers of their own egos, and of Zero, whom they see as their own, perfect, glorious reflection.

No more anger, no more outrage, no more surprise, no more serious expectations, no more measuring them to adult standards. Just jokes and mockery.

They like to play "dress-up". Pretending they're courageous and principled. They can take criticism from the Right. It only increases their sense of bravery and self-righteousness.

They become, as they are: insufferable.

But they are not prepared to be mocked. They take themselves much to seriously for that. They are among the elite; they have access to power; they are informed; they have friends in high places. They are self-important, self-satisfied, smug little worms whose fragile egos depend on the constant reinforcement of external appreciation and admiration. A lot like their hero Zero.

Mocking them will be more effective than harranging them. They will respond to criticism with puffed out chests, chuffing, and trutting.

They will respond to mocking with tantrums, whining, self-doubt and insecurity. Which is a lot more fun to watch. And totally appropriate for them to feel.

If we're very good, we might make them completely irrelevant, even to those whose agenda they seek to advance. Nobody likes to be associated with clueless losers.

The Gunslinger


  1. They already ARE irrelevant,even to the political class to whom they sychophate.(Is that a verb? it should be---if not, I claim dibs!).Dance tune..."Everybody sycho-phate!"

  2. Not my favorite president, but he DID know how to handle the MSM:

    "You will take possession by military force, of the printing establishments of the
    New York World and the Journal of Commerce and prohibit any further
    publication thereof... you are therefore commanded forthwith to arrest and
    imprison... the editors, proprietors and publishers of the aforesaid newspapers"

    -- Abraham Lincoln, to General John Dix,
    May 18, 1864

  3. Robert....Oh My!

    Would have been fun to see W do that, just to watch the apoplexy it caused among the Left.

    I wouldn't have approved of that sort of totalitarian STATE power, but damn, it would have been amusing.

  4. Truly.
    Possibly significant, it was the New York World that published this fascinating remark by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, made off-the-record, earlier in the Conflict:

    "If I thought this war was to abolish slavery,
    I would resign my commission, and offer my sword to the other side."

  5. Problem is, he helped institute the slavery of the States to the Federal Master.

  6. The increase of the Federal Government under Lincoln (in policies not tied to the Civil War itself,but in Western settlement as well as foreign policies) always tainted my somewhat ambivalent admiration for him.I only found ONE library book delving into that area.Then again,what counted as "over-reaching" Federalism at that time would seem "not so much" by today's standards.How far we've come! Color me naive,but I think even Marx himself,based on his actual writings,would shit a brick at how far acolytes have carried his hare-brained schemes into murder-orgies by the State.That's the problem with some "clever" people...road-to-hell paved with "academic" theses,and so forth,all theory and no reality...the problem we face once again.This repetitious bullshit is getting tiresome.The demagogues get more mundane with each repetition...from Alexander,Caesar,and Napoleon to Obama,Pelosi,and Reid?!?! From warriors to these mundanities? One can't help but feel a bit insulted by God...

  7. Gunslinger: "...the slavery of the States to the Federal Master."

    The irrepressible Tam, speaking for Indiana, nailed it:

    "...that Hotel California that is U.S. statehood. The Union is kinda like the Mafia, in that you join voluntarily but you're only leaving feet-first."

    Deo Vindice?

  8. "The Hotel California that is U.S. Statehood"


    The issue of "States' Rights" has been successfully cast in the dark light of Jim Crow by/for Liberals.

    The Left, as usual, has defined the terms, and directed the dialogue.

    Shame on us.
