There has been some buzz about this subject for a while now, and it appears it's not just a "black helicopter" paranoid's delusion.
There is something on the horizon that our Rulers fears. They are not telling us, of course. Don't want to panic the little people. But something is up, or they would not be softening us up with talk of the Military being used domestically to "take care of us" in case of an emergency.
Whether they expect a serious uprising, or a monumental terrorist attack, or whether it's just the next step in the STATE's bid for total power, it's hard to say.
I'm starting to feel like I need a tinfoil hat, here. I'd prefer to be skeptical, but U.S. Militaary operations within the borders is as new and dreadful and anti-Constitutional as it gets.
And with Zero soon to be "Commander-In-Chief" it could hardly be more dangerous, considering his very casual relationship with the Constitution.
Sometimes I think I'm just being paranoid. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm being paranoid enough.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
ReplyDeleteZero is one of two things...
1) A True Believer.. (far left wing extremist).
2) The consummate opportunist.
An argument can be made for either.
IMHO I think he is #2.
His appointments so far have not been as far left as you would have expected.
I suspect... (putting on my tinfoil hat here) he has ridden the wave of opportunism created by what I suspect is some type of "shadow" government and fostered by a mindless MS media.
Throw in some typical (african american) cultural dysfunction (give me respect without earning it.. etc), delusions of grandeur, and your basic garden variety narcissism, you get the perfect empty black suit. He wants to "play" the part of president without having to actually do presidential work. He is the perfect pawn. Just tell me what you want me to be... as long as I get to wear the "bling".
I fear you are right in your suspicions of "Something wicked this way comes". What ever "IT" is, it's BIG. Probably some type of "Black Swan" type of event (though that is an oxymoron in the literal use of the term)or maybe an "Event Horizon" (see- is a better term.
The "handlers/shadow government" need an empty suit to facilitate what "they" think is the best course of action in the remediation of this "IT".
The elite who are pulling the strings have absolutely no confidence in the average persons ability to conduct themselves in a civilized manner (with some tangible justification) in the case of a breakdown of the facade of civility. Hence the Posse Comitatus action.
The people who will behave badly are undoubtedly blue stater types who will welcome the protection of "Big Brother".
This leaves at least half of the population subjected to a "protective shield" of government oversight that is neither needed or wanted.
If this happens... katie bar the door.
Just some things to think about.
Bill Henry
Theres no black helicopters?
ReplyDelete(Adjusting my own tinfoil hat) This would explain a lot about the accelerated slide in recent unConstitutional actions,recycling of Clinton hacks (who were slowed down by the '94 elections),and why no one's busted a cap in Franks,Pelosi,or Dodd's ass yet (i.e.,wonder what THEIR security is like these days?) for their obvious roles in this.Oh yeah.Enough citizens of America have been dumbed down enough (that WalMart thing on Long Island with the shoppers,killing a man in order to get the bling)for these evil people to say "Yep,we got 'em acting like desperate tribal Africans instead of Americans-now's the time!".Sad.So sad...Optimist that I am,I'd like to think that if the situation comes to it,American soldiers would rebel at some point at being ordered to break the Constitution,but I fear it may come down to "A paycheck IS a Paycheck".Oy veh!
ReplyDeletePay attention out there folks,theres alot more going on,one that bothers me alot!!!! is 32 states have voted yes on holding a constitutional convention it only takes 34 If that happens every word of our present constitution can be erased and rewritten I wonder how many of our so called elder statesmen are pushing for this,you can bet Franks Dodd and many more are drooling at the very thought.
ReplyDeleteBill, I agree, I think Zero is an opportunist seeking the status of being POTUS without the work, dedication, education, talent, honor, dignity, commitment, or mission. I think he is literally an "affirmative action figure".
ReplyDeleteHe reminds me of the black thugs in Zimbabwe, who seized the White Man's lands but never bothered to farm them, and created a famine of epic proportions, and the destruction of their own country.
I believe Zero "wants to be President" the way they wanted to be "landowners", without the faintest idea of what is required beyond the posturing and posing as rich and important, being admired and acclaimed, and taken seriously.
I don't think he has a clue. But I think his instincts are all bad. Collectivism, "fairness", tax the rich, etc. As Prez, he'll get to indulge his shallow impulses with widespread effects...not that he'll really care, as long as they keep playing "Hail to the Chief, and keep those limos rolling, and Air Force One at the ready.
I think Zero will revel in the fame, the fortune, the power, the glory, the deference, the high, royal treatment - the 'bling' as you call it, pretty much without another thought in his head.
He will RE-act, reconsider, dissemble, hesitate, mumble, jumble, and not do much of anything, but what he is urged to do by Democrat Brahmins when he MUST act. He's not interested in "governing". He's interested in appearing to do so. He's not interested in getting anything done, he only interested in appearing to do so.
And if he has to do something, he'd prefer that it advance collectivism and the power of the STATE. But if not, that's okay long as the world keeps adoring him.
tj...I fear the Katrina gun grab. "Sorry folks, things are just too dangerous right now, you'll have to turn in your guns..for your own protection!"
ReplyDeletelowandslow, 1776 - 2008. What the hell, that's a pretty good run.
And let's not call the next phase a "revolution"...but a "reboot".
Gunslinger you're not paranoid they really are all out to get us.
ReplyDeleteI've felt the same way for awhile now, something is not just wrong, it's way off kilter, out of whack. Surreal, even. And not just here but around the world. From a comment thread I had with Pastorius at Infidel Bloggers Alliance last month when Hamas announced legal crucifixtions:
" midnight rider said...
C'mon. This is getting just a little too weird even by my standards.
I mean these last few months. . .
Does this all just seem a little too surreal, too over the top, too Twilight Zone to any but my diseased brain?
Pastorius said...
No, I agree with you. It seems like a bad dream to me too.
But then, I think my brain is a bit diseased as well.
midnight rider said...
Right. Beheadings. Hangings from Cranes. Dictators hung. Stonings. Catastrophic tidal waves. Asian nations that can't feed their populations but can afford nukes toe to toe. Crashing economy. Some neophyte from outta nowhere with no record becomes President. Rogue scientists selling nuke know how to insane religious fanatics. Some arch villain straight out of a 2nd rate Bond movie first knocks down The Towers, kills 3,000 in a moment and now MAY have the ability to kill scores times that with a nuke but can't be found (there is no real James Bond), and if not him then same said religious fanatics may launch one off a trawler and ala ANOTHER Bond movie, send the U.S. back to the 1700's.
All that weirdness I could deal with though some of it was a stretch.
But now, Crucifixions for pete's sake?!?!? How in the hell do you go from nuking the infidels to crucifying them!?!?!?
I'm not sure even our diseased brains could have made this up.
Well, yeah, maybe, with enough liquor. . .
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 10:39:00 PM
Pastorius said...
How in the hell do you go from nuking the infidels to crucifying them!?!?!?
Answer; Allah is Moloch.
Same old god. Same old methods.
Moloch is a very hungry god, though. So, the more the better. Therefore, a nuke would suit him fine. "
Anyway, yeah, we're being softened up, warned. Time to gun up. Stay safe. Stay vigilant. Be ready.
This is one (there have been a few) I'm going to link to at IBA.
Man ... I never thought I'd have to ask this question, but can someone direct me to the proper construction of a tinfoil-hat?
ReplyDeleteI've been saying to my friends for some time now, that "the conspiracy theorists stars have aligned." It's like it's all coming true.
I try to stay "rational" and everything, BUT ...
ReplyDeleteYou got it in one. The last thing I want to be is a paranoid spook, seeing black helicopters and freaking out about comtrails...
...but seriously, this is getting just a little too weird.