Government is not the solution. Government is the problem.
Because government attracts leeches, cockroaches and bullies...but they call themselves "politicians"...and they want to:
a) Suck the lifeblood of the country for their own gain.
b) Invade and overrun every segment of society
c) Push everyone else around and do whatever they want.
And that kiddies, is Government 101.
It's really the only political principle you need to know. Everything else is ancillary. Without knowing a thing about a specific issue, you will always be on the right side if you take the one that is against an increase in the power, sway, size or influence of government.
Even when government looks like it's necessary or doing good, it always ends up creating unintended consequences that are worse than the original problem it set out to solve.
Government mandated "integration" created poverty plagued ghettos in big cities with the flight of the black middle class.
Government mandated "welfare" created generations of broken families and institutional poverty.
Government mandated "school curricula" created classrooms that don't teach academic subjects, but propagandize captive children.
Government mandated "healthcare" results in worse care, longer waits, fewer drugs...more suffering, and more deaths among patients.
And the list goes on.
In each case, the arguments sounded good...racial equality, compassion for the poor, improving education, affordable healthcare. Who can be against that?
In each case the problem is worse that is was, affects more people, is more intractable and more dangerous because of the involvement of government.
And that's the pattern. And some of us never, ever learn it.
Zero and Congress believe only government can fix our current economic problems. They, of course, don't mention the fact that it was government meddling in the financial industry that caused the crisis.
And just like FDR, with his wrong-headed policies and creation of the Great Depression, Zero and the Congress will make everything intolerably worse.
Because government is the problem, not the solution. Always, every time, everywhere. Period, the end.
Let's just try and remember it when we get faced with complicated issues that politicians tell us we're too stupid to understand because they're so "complex"...and offer solutions that grow the size, power and influence of government, "for our own good".
Government is the problem; not the solution...and politicans are really just leeches, cockroaches and bullies.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Government IS their Religion (the irony of that is always lost on "anti-religionist" Marxists.Ironic that Obama plans to take the oath on Lincoln's Bible,considering AL,bottom-line,believed it was wrong for one person to take profit forcibly from another's toils.Lincoln's father sent him to work off Daddy's debts,which inluenced Lincoln's attitude in a basic way,not in a kumbaya way.I meant to connect this with taxpayer-funded clusterf*ck plans,but I'm not as coherent nor succinct a writer as Gunny.All these "plans" are deliberately complicated,in order to fuel payoffs to bureaucrats,etc.,rather than actually SOLVE the problems.