Thursday, January 15, 2009

Of Looks and the Climate

I normally don't approve of picking on people, even idiot Democrat communists because of their looks. I, honestly, don't have a lot of room to talk. But seriously, I find looking at this man almost painful. This is approaching horror movie territory, people.

The unfortunate nose, the snaggle teeth, the unkempt fuzz, the ears...

Considering our almost unhealthy infatuation with good looks, it's amazing this guy keeps getting elected.

Oh, as an interested addendum, I found this picture on Drudge over the headline: " Waxman promises quick action on Climate", which was immediately under a picture of a freezing women in a fur coat, and the headline: "Chicago Coldest in Decade".

If it wasn't so seriously stupid, it would be comical.

The Gunslinger


  1. I agree with your and SCU's commentary.Which leads me to a confession:since I first saw and heard this idiot on CSPAN in 1993,I kept thinking "Phantom of the Opera,Lon Chaney Senior version" I the only one?

  2. Shame on you wing-nut conservatives for making fun of someone's looks. Just because Henry Waxman looks like an Ork in Lord of the Rings is no reason to make fun of him. You people are disgusting!!

  3. I too am disappointed in the right-wing's conspiratorial implications that Waxman looks like Star Trek's Salt Vampire. It is simply not his fault that he looks like a cheap rubber horror mask from the '60s!

    As the conservatives say: beauty is skin deep, but liberalism goes right to the bone!
