Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Morphing of America

Lately I've heard some in the Conservative media sort of freaking out over the idea of secession and separation. I think I understand the problem.

Most people think of "America" as the United States as it exists today. But that's a very recent design. The United States as it exists today, didn't exist when I was born. Then, the flag had 48 stars. I was 11 years-old before Alaska and Hawaii became States. I don't think about it much, but the geographical shape and configuration of the United States of America changed considerably during my lifetime!

What is America? Is it the original ribbon of land and 13 colonies clinging to the edge of a vast continent who declared independence from England? Is it the entire 50 States of today? Is it both? And everything in between?


If America can be a bit of land along the Eastern seaboard and it can span the entire continent, and include islands thousands of miles away, and an enormous landmass on the other side of Canada, then America can any any geographical configuration we damn well please. The only requirement: It must embrace the American Idea.

Until 1959 the United States did not include Alaska and Hawaii, but it was still America. And if tomorrow it does not include California and New York, it will still be America. As long as it is true to the Founders' Idea.

Admittedly, we've never shrunk before, except temporarily during the Civil War. But that's no reason why it can't work. Israel didn't stop being Israel when it gave up Gaza and the West Bank. Canada didn't stop being Canada when Quebec...did whatever the heck it did.

Americans don't have to mourn the 'loss' of America if it shifts its shape or size. The sanctuary for freedom created by such a separation and the gathering of freedom loving Americans into one strong, liberty-minded people and separated nation would feed the American Idea, and make it an even stronger symbol and a brighter beacon for freedom in a dark and dangerous world.

The Gunslinger


  1. America is more of an idea. It has been called the "Grand Experiment" and is an anomaly in the modern world. Start with God given rights and build a society based on the preservation of those rights instead of the preservation of power.

    Unfortunately, the desire for power has corrupted the ideals of this country quite a bit in recent years. After the last few years of slipping left, the next few will tell the tale of the future of this country.

  2. Yes, precisely. America is an IDEA. It can be on the long as the idea is cherished and manifested.
