Friday, January 30, 2009

I've Fallen Into the Pork Barrel...and I Can't Get Out!

"...That's what the stimulus bill was about—[Congressional Democrats] not knowing what time it is, not knowing the old pork-barrel, group-greasing ways are over, done, embarrassing. When you create a bill like that, it doesn't mean you're a pro, it doesn't mean you're a tough, no-nonsense pol. It means you're a slob."

Peggy Noonan, who has become entirely too "precious" for me in the last year or so, descends from her cloud-flitting for at least half a column today and gets real.

Peggy Noonan: Look at the Time


  1. Once again,you picked the meat of an article,where the writer zeroed in on the matter,without the frilly-frilly.It IS a shabby re-run,with a lame attempt to masquerade as something other than same-old.Most citizens don't want it,yet the DC Wizards and the Media Lizards keep shovelling this horseshit.Why does the old Steppenwolf song "Monster" keep running in my head?

  2. ACK!!! Wizards & Lizards..beautiful.

    Totally stealing it....
