Whoa, this is wicked. A cop is ordering a suspect to put his rifle down. The perp appears to be complying, but he is actually reaching into his back pocket or waist band for a concealed handgun. Unfortunately for the bad actor, the cop's partner is coming around the back, sees it, shouts "gun"...and wastes him.
You can see the handgun in the suspect's hand as he falls.
That might have been a shot cop. I hope it's a ghosted criminal. It's people like him that give gun-owners a bad name. And I take that personally.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Looks like a training excercise.
ReplyDeleteThat aside, bad guys with guns don't give gun owners a bad name. The progressives do.
And before you glorify the police, the cops, like every other government service that has a front line interface with the public, have divided themselves into those that serve the Constitution and those that serve their political masters.
How are you going to differentiate between the cops taking out the drug dealer and the cops who come to take you down because you have incandescent light bulbs.
Did I "glorify" the cops, here?
ReplyDeleteYou have a very loose idea of "glorification", I think.
Anon, if you've read any of my stuff, you know how I feel about the STATE and its corrupt agents.
But, c'mon, it's a cool video - training exercise or reality.
Of course the progressives are the fundamental enemies, but playing into their hands, like stupid, gun-toting criminals do, does not help.
Can't I blame both?? Surely I don't have to limit my ire to only one target. What fun would that be?
ReplyDeleteI dont know for sure..but police carry at least .40 cal.. maybe even .45
The "perp" has most of his weight on his forward foot.. 3 shots from that close with that big caliber.. usually come out the front of the body.. and throw the body forward.. not back.. just saying.. i could be wrong..
Part of me wonders seeing the obvious AR type weapon "which is not a fav of gang bangers" either this is training exercise or perhaps advance propoganda...
Again.. I could be wrong..
Keep up the good work..
Bill Henry
A very cool video.
ReplyDeleteI probably do have a loose idea of glorification. Consider it battle fatigue. The result of dealing with too many conservatives who insist on colouring inside the box and try to gain power for their side rather than limiting government power.
I need to disagree with the gun toting criminals idea. I don't know about California, but in other states, I remember when gun toting criminals made people want to excercise their second amendment rights rather than limit them. Sort of like arming the pilots after 9/11. This change in attitude is strictly the progressives fault.
Please, blame both. That's what I like about this site.
Bill, Anon agrees with you in thinking this is a training exercise. I wouldn't argue.
ReplyDeleteThe front cop is awfully "casual" in his reaction. I think a normal reaction would have been slightly more "excited" after such an incident.
Your analysis about the body falling is less certain, I think. I've read some physics about it, somewhere, and bodies do funny stuff when shot....but I don't remember the specifics.
And as for the bullets passing through the body, that would depend on the type. Some are made specifically NOT to do that, so that they don't endanger any non-targets.
But the more I look at this, I think you guys are right, nevertheless.
Anon, point taken. I have had several arguments with progressives who don't seem to understand that guns in the hands of "citizens" are MORE necessary because they are often in the hands of criminals.
ReplyDeleteTheir twisted thinking is that if they take guns away from me, there will be fewer guns "out there" and that, by definition, is a good thing.
They blame guns. Not criminals.
It's enough to make your head explode.
Howdy GS, love your blog.
ReplyDeleteSure looks like a fake / training vid to me. Holstering your pistol before the threat is proven to be over is a no no. A gangster with a HK is a well off gangster. As for the reaction to being shot and the absence of exit wounds, such things are not telling. Dept. issued ammo might not exit a torso and bodies react to gunshots in all sorts of strange ways. Remember anon, a bullet that weighs 230 grains moving 850 fps wont tip over a man. Sometimes I have trouble knocking over a pepper popper target with a low hit and they only weigh 45 lbs. I blame wind when that happens, heh.
Cpl Mongo...Welcome and thanks.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the consensus is for a training vid. I'd disagree with your comment about putting the gun away too soon. We both know that's a no-no. But cops are not always trained well...and often do stupid things like that.
My friend who has had occasion to train them, has dozens of horror stories about cops and guns.
They are among the worst gun handlers and shots in the "firearm community".
Not all of them obviously, but WAY too many. Accidental discharges among cops are legion! Indeed, almost all gunshot wounds sustained by police are self-inflicted.
Humiliating, but true.
True that. Here in the high mountains of Arizona, in the lovely little town of Flagstaff we have a police spokesman who was 'promoted' to the position becose he no longer was to carry a gun. Two ADs from his new Glock, one in the locker room the other in the squad car led to that decision. To some cops its just another tool like a flashlight or a radio. Lucky for us some of our police are real handlers with a rosco. We invite a few to our ipsc matches once in a while just to keep them sharp.