Thursday, December 04, 2008

Too Much God Addendum

Let me simplify my argument made in Too Much God.

I argued there that if you believe in America you must believe in God. Here's the syllogism:

Inalienable rights are not possible without God.

America* is not possible without inalienable rights.

Therefore America is not possible without God.

Therefore one cannot believe in the America without also believing in God. Not, at least, if one is to be logically consistent.

While secularists/atheists may say they believe in America but refute the existence of God, they may as well claim to believe in bread while refuting the existence of flour.

Anyone can say it, but it's illogical nonsense.

One may believe in both or neither. No other option is rational.

*America is defined here as the America of the Founders. Constitutional America. The Idea and Ideals of America.

The Gunslinger


  1. Inalienable rights are not possible without God.

    I draw contention with that, but I'll save the big theological argument for another day :) I'm ready to go home and have a beer.

    For the record, I am glad you all draw such strength and conviction from your beliefs.

  2. From whom does one draw definition of "inalienable Rights"? In the French Revolution,they used a different approach,and look where it got them (Mass Death,and Napoleon).The concept of God requires acknowledgement of a Universal Force outside our species,while the other path (Rand,Hesse,etc.) leads to a self-centered approach suited to adolescent arrogance.Methinks the current spitual malaise of many Americans is that they don't Grow Up anymore...we are spoiled,petulant,eternal teenagers.Our forebearers did not have that luxury...

  3. Jag, God is not the primary belief for me. I didn't come to it...and then apply it to America.

    My faith & belief is in America's inalienable rights, which then inexorably forced me to accept the concept of God.

    See the difference? And the logic?

    If you discard God, you cannot logically maintain America's inalienable rights. They become just a "preference" of a group of men who happened to write our Constitution...and some other group of men who don't believe in them, have equal "authority" to undo them.

    They are not inalienable if they can be alienated from us by the authority of man.
