If I were John Kass of the Chicago Tribune, I'd be gunning up, or at least hiring armed body guards. Check out his story of the man (James "Jimmy" DeLeo) behind the man (Rahm Emanuel) behind the man (Barack Obama).
If you ever, and any point, considered thinking about entertaining the idea that our Prince of Peace was somehow unconnected to the Sewer Rats known as the Chicago Political Machine, you can forget that right quick.
Even Barack Obama is not as oblivious as that would require.
One more thing. I wonder, based on what I hear about Emanuel being on the Feds' tape talking to Blagojevich, (read this report) just how long till Rahm is toast? And that got me thinking about how many of Obies associates have been hurled under that clichéd bus. And it got me wondering why.
And then it hit me.
Obamessiah is from Chicago, where things get "fixed". No one pays the price for anything. Cronies run everything, nothing you do requires accepting or facing consequences.
Obie has no experience in the sort of environment in which questions are asked, people demand answers, accusations are made, investigations are launched...and his standard operating procedure is not up to the task. He just offs another associate—and claims ignorance.
Since the Chicago Way is to 'take care of number one', that's Obie's first instinct. He has no actual principles, and therefore no experience in "sticking to them". He has no real loyalty...only "associations of mutual benefit". And they're maintained only as long as the benefits continue to accrue. The moment they become liabilities, they are jettisoned.
I'm reminded of Saddam Hussein's sons. They were unsubtle, unsophisticated, uncontrolled, undisciplined monsters, because there were never consequences for their actions.
Obie's precipitous, and seemingly "no regrets" abadonment of "Rev" Wright, his own grandmother, his friend Bill Ayers, his buddy Tony Rezko, his governor Rod Blagojevich, and countless others leads me to speculate that the minute Rahm Emanuel becomes even slightly embarrassing, he'll follow the rest under the tires.
It's the spoiled Princeling's first and (so far) only reaction...betray, abandon, sacrifice anyone that might cause him the slightest difficulty.
The Princeling doesn't have friends. If they ever existed they have left the planet. He has "stepping stones", and "ladder rungs", and "supporters", and "patrons". And they are all, in a word, expendable.
And this sociopathic reprobate is going to be President.
We were warned.
The gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Well the one good thing you can say is unlike the Clintons at least he just metaphorically throws them under the bus, they are still actually breathing though. . . I wonder how long until he discovers that accidents are better as they won't be around to answer questions later. . .
ReplyDeleteHe could rack up a better body count of former "friends" than Bill and Hill did. . .
"Uday,Qusay,Obama"...sounds like a mob chant.Uday and Qusay as Sonny and Fredo,Obama as the "cleaner",slicker Michael.ANYHOO,I'm having a problem choosing which "Favorites List" to consign Net thangs= Comedy,Politics,or BS.Line pretty blurred."Posey Toes" obviously took a class in Situational Ethics in college,probably got Honors.Of course,those records are sealed...Talking Heads doing pre-emptive strike as to mental health of Blogo.Where have we seen THAT tactic before? Hmmm...
ReplyDeleteOh,here's the "shocked" scene from "Casablanca"...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM_A4Skusro