Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I'm listening to Neal Boortz, he reports that in a current speech, Obama, "friend of small business", has promised to:

"...cut capital gains taxes for small business."

Is he stupid? Or does he just think we are?

Either way...

The Gunslinger


  1. He just knows that anyone who supports him (despite contradictions,falsities,lack of any notable achievement besides displaying an abominably inflated sense of himself and mau-mauing White Liberals)IS stupid.I think Captain Ego can hardly believe he's floated this far on the horseshit he peddles,and his smugness overlays his contempt for those who "believe" it.That's why the thin skin.Insecurity stemming from living what he deep down knows has been a coddled life.If elected,he would prove to be an erratic and rash President,like JFK. At least JFK had a sense of humor about himself.The British have a word for someone like Obama...Twit.

  2. They have another word for it too: "Worthy".

    Someone who takes himself very seriously and thinks very highly of himself.
