Thursday, October 02, 2008

...Up To My Eyeballs

Here is Jeff Osonitsch's Open Letter To Congress.

I'd send it to my asshat Leftie Democrat Congresswoman, but it would be utterly pointless. The only ones who can save us are the House Republicans, who, if they stick together, and refuse to vote for this, will force Pelosi to back down on this bill...because she doesn't want the Democrats to take the heat for this alone.

Although she could, she won't ride herd on the Dems to pass this even though they have a majority. She wants the House Conservatives on the hook too.

Fuck her, I say. Either it's a crisis...(oh, wait....didn't they just take a VACATION DAY??) or it's not. If you believe it is, then you'd pass this bill, no matter what...for the good of the country, right?




...sorry, I was laughing ao hard at that last sentence—you know, that Pelosi has any honor— that I couldn't go on. Give me a minute...



OK, I can go on now...

I've been alternatively freaked out that the world was going to end if we didn't pass a "bailout" bill, and that the world was going to end if we DID.

All I see is a Congress that whipped up a frenzy of panic, took a VACATION DAY while the world was supposedly exploding..and a Senate that stuffed as much pork as possible into an 'emergency crisis' bill:

Tax breaks for:
Wool research
Tuna Fish in Samoa (Pelosi's private little empire)
Race tracks
Wooden Arrows
Bicycle "commuters"
Off-shore Rum Manufacturers

and God knows what else.

Am I supposed to take this seriously? Am I supposed to believe that this was an emergency "rescue" required to save the very existence of my beloved country...but Congress couldn't manage give up a VACATION DAY...and used the opportunity to stuff it full of "tax extensions" they couldn't get passed otherwise?

Well. I don't. I think most of Congress is nothing but a bunch of clowns running around in search of a circus. They just can't help themselves.


Let the whole thing blow up. Screw it. At least these assholes will lose their jobs for massive incompetence. And that's the only way we'll ever survive—as a country that looks anything like the America we know and love.

If we "save" the financial market for the nonce, but don't change the rules, the greed, the Democrat Marxist stupidity, the Republican Big-Government stupidity, the blind ambition, the incompetence, the smug and ignorant arrogance, the baseless elitism, the "Malignant Narcissim", the lack of virtue, values and honor, the cowardice and monumental self-serving sense of entitlement—it simply won't matter. We won't have changed a thing. And it will just get worse.

The Abortionists are running the Maternity ward.

Congress is full of more shit than the Augean stables. Unfortunately, Hercules ain't comin' any time soon. If it takes a financial tsunami to generate the water pressure necessary to clean it out, SO. BE. IT.

Fuck them all.

The Gunslinger

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