Watch this news report. The "news reporters" don't seem to understand what they are announcing.
The " OBAMA TRUTH SQUAD" is apparently made up of law enforcement officials from across Missouri ...who are ready to step in and prosecute anybody who says something "misleading" or "false" about Obama in a campaign ad!
Listening to the St. Louis City Attorney and St. Louis County Circuit Attorney involved is positively chin-dropping. Let's add the names: Jennifer Joyce and Bob McCulloch to the same list that includes Judas Iscariot, Benedict Arnold and Alger Hiss.
I'm beside myself. What planet do these people come from? My God, have they NEVER heard of the First Amendment??
See here for more.
(UPDATE: Missouri Governor Matt Blunt responds. Here it is on the Governor's Website.)
There's more...
Apparently, the Obama campaign, is threatening broadcast stations' licenses if they air NRA ads against Obama, that the Obama Campaign doesn't like.
First Amendment violations; blackmail, and Prior Restraint! I've been accusing Obie of using "Chicago" tactics. But this is way worse. These are Fascist dicatator tactics. Imagine what he'll do when he's Leader of the "Free" World! And when all his lawyer friends, and obsequious law-enforcement goons are in charge...working as Feds, can an American Kristallnacht for Obie's political "enemies" be far behind.
If I sound hysterical, it's only because I am. This is totally out of control. And what worries me is that only some of us seem to notice!
Go here to see a PDF of the letter. Click the first link.
And here for a powerful analysis of Obie's intent, and the tactics of his campaign.
And here is a discussion of the "facts" of the claims made by the NRA...and the evidence for their accuracy.
While I am a fan of the Truth. And it's satisfying to see the facts stacked up on our side. The real discussion isn't whether the ads are true or false, the fundamental issue at stake is totalitarian control of information by a politician.
That's not supposed to happen. And it's especially galling when the one marching the Blackshirts against the people's right to speak ostensibly in the service of "truth" has been show to be guilty of the most outrageous falsehoods and lies about his opponents...that is has been a regular and successful tactic in all his campaigns: "clearing the field" by whatever means necessary.
And apparently, this time, for the biggest prize of all, "whatever means" includes direct assaults on the First Amendment rights of Free Speech of anyone who dissents from Obie's message.
Did I mention that this guy is dangerous?
I think my nicknames for him have been too lighthearted. "Obie" and "Precious" are disdainful...and fun, but they do not express the apparently terrible dark center of this empty critter. These tactics are beyond atrocious. They literally signal The End.
That law enforcement officers in the United States of America are proudly joining something called the Obama Truth Squad is simply beyond me. Even the name is right out of Animal Farm, 1984, and Brave New World. Are these people completely illiterate as well as ignorant? Or are they actually Evil? Are we faced, in fact, with the utter moral degradation that some of our more gloomy and pessimistic brothers have been prophesying?
I'm at a loss. If the revelation of this astounding development does not immediately lose this creature the election...I'm not sure I have any hope at all left for my country.
And finally, can I just say how utterly offensive, and typically "Progressive" it is to call something designed to stifle ideas, speech, dissent and truth a "Truth Squad"?
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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