Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Modern Asatru is a revival of the Old Norse religion that honors the Old Norse Gods such as Odin and Thor. Here are its Nine Noble Virtues:
  1. Courage
  2. Truth
  3. Honour
  4. Fidelity
  5. Discipline
  6. Hospitality
  7. Self Reliance
  8. Industriousness
  9. Perseverance
These are the virtues of a strong and free people. These are the virtues of heroes and warriors... honoring life. They can be summed up in the phrase: "Stand and be True". (Which I took as my personal motto.)

This came to mind because in response to my post "Leftovers" a commenter accused me of "hubris"—presumably because I don't subscribe to or practice the Christian virtues of humility, meekness and due reverence, adoration and "fear" of The Lord.

I understand that a devout Christian may not relate to a religious point of view that rejects the creator/creature dichotomy...that emphasizes courage and boldness rather than meekness, that encourages accomplishment which leads to self-worth and healthy pride...rather than one that demands humility...or one that encourages self-reliance rather than dependence on the will or pleasure of God...or one that insists on fighting with courage and honor rather than turning the other cheek...or one that emphasizes Truth rather than Faith.

But it's pretty rude to accuse someone who doesn't subscribe to your religious beliefs of being arrogant (or sinful) because he behaves according to his own.

I mean, really. Who displays more hubris than Christians who regularly consign others' gods to legend, myth, superstition or fairytale...without a blush or by-your-leave?

You know I'm a defender of the (Christian) Faith, but certainly not of this particular attitude.

The Gunslinger



  1. Ironic,that I come from folks who were "country" and Christian,yet they practiced those Asatru virtues without knowing it(little choice,in order to survive in the backwoods!Mama grew up without electricity or running water).Their meekness and humility were reserved only for those who had practiced those same Nine Virtues.They were of Welsh/Irish/German/Scots blood,so maybe there was Viking in there,also!All I'm saying is that a mixture of "pagan" and "Christian" is just History,and to separate them is redundant.More in common than not,despite the prissy little Fallwells,Dobsons,etc.The Journey of trying to figure out the who and why!Plus, I love that my Grandpa's name was "Elvis Riley"!As he would've said "Good on ya,Lass!"

  2. Dude! The Scots and Irish most certainly have Viking blood!

    The Norse/Danes lived in both places for a LONG time...and their "blood" is all over the place.

    My Irish side comes from Cork...FOUNDED by Vikings! And they were thick on the ground in Scotland.

    And the Germanic tribes worshipped the same gods with slightly different names.

    Those Vikings got AROUND! But it seems to be one of the great secrets of history. No-one pays much attention. I had no idea until I went looking for myself a couple of years ago.

    Indeed, Russia is named after Vikings, did you know that??

    And they were very democratic about who they bred with. (Thank goodness for us!)

  3. Wow, that must have bit GS.

    Love ya but Hubris was not equated because you dont subscribe to be meek and mild, but because you display arrogance out of ignorance. Check out www.marshillchurch.org and their vintage Jesus series before you "comment" on what "followers of Christ believe".

  4. Anon...I went to Catholic school for eight years, and attended church fo 18. And have read more books on Christianity by Christians than I can count...I'm pretty clear on what Christians believe.

    Are you seriously suggesting that a single website, and a single series of books has more to say about Christianity that the Saints, sages and theologians of the ages? More than direct instruction in Christian School? And more than 18 years of the gospels, epistles and weekly sermons?

    Wow, it must be great to have such a corner on the truth.

    Dude...talk about arrogance!

    Come ON!

  5. anon...

    checked out Mars Hill Church.

    I'm not sure what you expected me to find there. They are fundamentalists...with tattoos.

    They believe the bible is literally the "verbally inspired world of god"...inerrant etc etc.

    They believe that Christ died on the cross for their sins...and to redeem Adam's Original Sin.

    They are missionaries...they want to "plant" new churches...spread the word, they are evangelicals...drinking micro-brews.

    I'm not saying that's not cool...

    It's just not revelatory, revolutionary, or different than any other Christian Church on the planet.

    Christianity is, at bottom, Christianity. Jesus is the issue...the one and only.

    Mars Hill sounds like a good place. And I hope you're getting what you need there. But it doesn't really have anything "new" to say about Christianity.
