I just got back, and I'm already so tired. Read this bullshit and weep. Obie blames George Bush for high gas prices. Yep, it was old W that refused to allow drilling in Alaska and off the coasts. Yep, it was W who refused to allow a single coal-to-oil plant to be built in the Continental United States of America. Yep, it was W who single-handedly blocked every single nuclear power plant for the last 40 years. Yep, it was W who is responsible for not a single new refinery being built for the last 30 years.
I can see how it's George Bush's fault that the law of supply and demand is doing what it does: raising the price of limited supplies in great demand. Who would have fucking thunk it? Obviously none of the rat-brained geniuses in Congress.
Yes, Obie, it is ALL George Bush's fault that gasoline prices are high. You just keep thinkin' that. And when your pinhead policies cause it to go up another couple of buck a gallon, who, exactly will you blame then? Yours just might prove to be the shortest "honeymoon" in the history of the Presidency. Even Liberals get pissed when they can't fly their Lear Jets.
Good luck with your taxation, dude—and "taking profits from oil companies". The Greatest Depression in the History of the United States, caused by the First Black President. Nice. Set the progress of Black's in politics back 100 years.
It might even be worth it to watch the Obie-bots freaking out when it all comes apart...and there's no one else to blame. But I hate to be unpatriotic and wish ill for my country just to get a belly-laugh from watching the Moonbats running around like an ant colony that just got flooded.
I live in California. So I have a skewed perspective. They're all crazy here. If it was up to this state, Obie would be proclaimed king for life, so I can't help but feel his election is inevitable.
Maybe people in the sane part of the country are...well...more sane, and get it that the guy is a loose cannon packed with plastique, perched on a nuclear warhead...and he's a just a two-Coast opium fantasy that will dissolve in a puff of smoke come election day.
Hey, my guy won on American Idol. Things are looking up. Maybe there is a chance the worst possible empty suit with the worst possible associates, with the worst possible record, and the worst possible policies, and the worst possible wife in the history of America won't actually become President.
Cause if he does, we are so fucked. He promises that...in his very own words.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
Same old BS,not "change"-guess the puppeteers of Obama figure they've dumbed down enough people that this is their chance to make the Big Play.He plagiarizes old speeches from 1984 (THAT worked well for whats-his-name),and Vanity Fair just did RFK cover story (talk about telegraphing an agenda!)(will Caroline Kennedy be his VP choice?Hope so-be funnneee).Talked to yet another Democrat today who can't believe the emptiness of BO,and can't believe the recent lunacy of the Dems in Congress'proposals (windfall profits tax on oil companies,impeachment of Bush,etc.).Another Demo co-worker said "Obama is a nightmare waiting to happen"-even tho it's anecdotal,it does make me cautiously optimistic.Like you,I ALMOST hope the smug Punk gets elected,just to watch him FUBAR ("Give 'em enough rope!"),but the lives of our men and women in the Services are too precious,and worth SO much more than Senator Pantload.