"What you TAX, you get less of. What you SUBSIDIZE, you get more of."
That is a natural law. Like gravity. You can't break it, you can't bend it, you can't change it, you can't escape it.
Tax success and entrepreneurship, and you get LESS of it. Subsidize poverty and failure, and you get MORE of it.
Hmmmmm...I wonder which direction this country going?
Maryland has just passed a tax law that only affects people who make a million dollars a year.
If you don't make that much money, you might not care much. But, you should. It is a continuing trend of government becoming more and more confiscatory—one of the behaviors most dreaded by our founders.
Though it was proposed as small and temporary, anyone who knows anything about taxes knows thats a complete joke. It will remain in perpetuity...and grow with regularity.
I've been under the impression for a long time that Liberals are just stupid, and don't understand economics. But I now think they know exactly what they are doing. And that ruining the economy, and then "fixing" it with bigger and more intrusive, powerful government is their way of instituting the Socialism we will not vote for.
In just the same way they use the courts to legislate things the people or legislatures will not pass, they're using tax policy to destroy the capitalist system that guarantees the greatest prosperity for the greatest number of people. Because capitalism insists on freedom from government, it is the one thing, as Socialists, they cannot countenance.
If we are free from government, they cannot control us. And, for them, that is utterly unacceptable.
Read the story here. (And just look at the smug smirks of the confiscators in the accompanying picture. I have a terrible urge to slap them right off their faces.)
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
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