Saturday, March 08, 2008

Government Kid Grab

A California appellate court has decreed that the government can take your children away at gunpoint if you dare to home school them.

California has ordered your children to Government Indoctrination Centers whether you like it or not. If you dare teach your children yourself, they will be taken from you, and you will be prosecuted.

This is a law fit for Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR.

I should be flabbergasted that an alliance between government and special interest groups (The California Teachers Association) can go so far against everything America stands for, in such a brutal and in-your-face way. But I'm not. It's been coming since the first smoking ban, helmet, and seat-belt law.

They took away the business owners rights of control of their businesses. It's no surprise that they've moved to taking away parents' rights of control of their children.

I am fully convinced that there is NOTHING "our" government won't do, there is no faith it will not break, there is no right it will not violate, there is no moral it will not offend, there is no sin it will not commit to increase it's own power and that of its pets & masters, special interests.

Once there was a Constitution that protected "the people" from just this sort of encroachment. But today, it is simply an old document, a curiosity, offered for your viewing pleasure at a museum along with other outdated and forgotten remnants of the past.

This goes too far, this is an assault on citizens, their families, their freedom, their privacy, their self determination, their right to liberty and their pursuit of happiness.

There is no doubt this will go to higher courts. But unless this decision is blasted and rejected with appropriate remonstration and outrage, we will see it again, creeping it's way into the bosom of our homes and the lives of our families. As will many more even more egregious "laws" to control every aspect of our lives.

If you don't think this is important, because you have already abandoned your children to the indoctrination and failure at government "schools", think again. If you imagine that the government's hunger for control will be assuaged by this bloody mouthful of your rights, please read a book, and understand that you are on the brink of serfdom.

I recommend:

The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Ph.D
The Road to Serfdom, by Friedrich A. Hayek
Dictatorships and Double Standards, by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick

For inspiration, read non-fiction:
Molon Labé! ("come and take them") by Boston T. Party

The Gunslinger


  1. I fell in love with the Bay Area on my first trip there 36 years ago.
    The drive up the Coast Highway had some of the most spectacular scenery I'd ever seen. Big Sur, Monterey, Sausalito and of course San Francisco were all more than I'd anticipated.
    Dinner at what was then the Top of the Bank of America still ranks as one of my Top Ten; not necessarily for the food, but the memory of the sun setting over the Golden Gate Bridge and an inexplicable feeling of pride in America.
    What a great country, what a great state, what the fuck happened, how can you stand to stay in California?

  2. I left that shithole 24 years ago and havent been all who still live there.........better you than me.

    Once you've flown scouts...what else is there?

  3. I live here because of my job, which I love, and my family, which I also love.

    I plan to leave upon retirement.
    Where to go is the question.

    Any suggestions?

    (Remember I was born and raised in the mild climate of the San Francisco Bay Area! hehe)

  4. A favorite line:

    "I wasn't born in the South, but I got here as quick as I could."

    If I hadn't been a stupid California Liberal for most of my life, I might have done it while I was young—and not be stuck in this sewer today.

    Pay to play.

  5. I'm thinking Wyoming, Idaho or Montana.

    Socialists and spongers don't like those states much.

  6. Lived in Montana during the mid seventies. A favorite bumper sticker said "Don't Cali-fornicate Montana". I've since been told it's happened.
    Have friends in the Idaho panhandle who report that it's still good and then there is Boston T's Free State Wyoming dream.
    The problem with all three is that the older I get the more I really hate the cold.
    Alabama here I come.

  7. That is my one issue too....brrrrrrr.
