Saturday, January 12, 2008

Guilty Pleasure?

In a complete change of pace, I gotta tell you I'm completely in love with these guys.

I don't know what it is, but they have captured my affection and imagination. I just can't get enough. I discovered them over the Christmas holiday. Their show "Ghost Hunters" has been on for a while, but I'd never watched it.

They're on the Sci-Fi channel on Wednesdays.

I go on genre benders. For a while I can't get enough of "forensic files" type shows, or style/fashion shows, or home decor/renovation shows, or even home shopping channels!

But this one is special. The subject matter is the hook; and the personalities of the "stars".

As I've stated here, I've only recently been convinced that there is, in fact, more to life that the material...and along comes Jason and Grant, doing all this work to find and document phenomena that prove it's true!

The coolest thing about them is they're just regular, blue collar guys; plumbers by trade. They're not goofy "White Light New Agers" or "Fairy Dust Wiccans"...just guys you could have a beer with, and play some pool.

Maybe I'm just a sucker...but I swear these guys are seriously for real.

Check them out. I'd love to know what you think.

Here's the website for their organization, TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society, the investigations of which are chronicled on the show.

The Gunslinger


  1. They were just here in my little town last week.

    The Lighthouse investigation was my favorite!

  2. I KNOW! The video they got was AWESOME! (And kinda creepy!) I saved that episode on my I could watch it again.

  3. *whisper* I kind of have a little crush on Grant, actually.

  4. I keep meaning to watch this show, and just never remember...

    I will write myself a note this week!!!!!


    I have never really gotten into that sort of thing but this used to be a good show. It went a little bit commercial though.

  6. This show has been good for the few I have seen. I liked the Salem MA one since I live in MA. . . and could go see the sites my self.

    There is another ghost type show on the travel channel now and again but I forget the name. It is a bunch of investigators but it also has a psychic on it too. I like that one a bit better with the stories the psychic adds to it. Now that I say that I will have to start watching the TV guide to see when it is on again

    = )

  7. I like that these guys don't depend on psychics. They feel that stuff cannot be verified. And they're trying their best to be 'scientific' about it.

    Boy...they came to California, just down the coast from me recently, to the Moss Beach Distillery. I was so excited to see that episode.

    The bastards there failed to tell them that they had set up all kinds of phoney machinery to mimic ghostly encounters...speakers broadcasting "ghostly laughter", pulleys to move chandeliers, trick faces behind mirrors to appear like apparitions to those looking into the mirrors.

    Of course, our boys found all the claptrap, and were pretty disgusted about it. Being professionals, they finished their investigation, finding absolutely no sign of any paranormal activity whatever.

    The Moss Beach assholes showed such disrespect to the team...almost like they were trying to make them look bad...assuming they'd get fooled by their stupid shit, and claim the house haunted.

    I used to like that restaurant. But boy, I'll sure never go their again. What a bunch of screw-heads.

    They weren't even embarrassed when confronted with their assholeness. They just blew it off, like..."whatever".

    They Ghost Hunter guys are from Rhode Island...came out to California for the Moss Beach job as well as one or two others, with their whole team, all their equipment, were polite, professional and serious...they worked hard, stayed the night...and the jerks pull that shit? I'm so glad they broadcast that episode. I guarantee The Moss Beach Distillery lost more business than they got with that exposure of their general turdness.
