Friday, January 11, 2008

Government Beats its Breast

This is a very weird (and sad) story.

A Washington, D.C. mother apparently murdered all her daughters, and left their bodies rotting in her apartment for weeks. That's the sad part...and creepy.

Here's the weird part: Everyone involved with this story seems to assume that much responsibility lies with the government workers; who should somehow have "prevented this tragedy".

No one involved has even questioned this assumption that the "System" failed!

Excuse me??

How about the "Mommy" failed? And her "Family" failed? And her "Lifestyle" failed! How about "crazy women with 4 babies (of 2 daddies), and no husband" failed? How about "Having lots of kids when you're so poor you can't pay rent" failed?


  1. I think you have it backward Gun. It's weird that any mother would kill her children and leave them rotting. It's sad that we've become so dependent on social services to monitor irresponsible behavior that we now blame them when something like this happens.

  2. Alpha,

    That was my point exactly. Apparently I didn't express it clearly.

    The first idea on everybody's mind...and that no one even questioned.. is that somehow the "authorities" are responsible!

    That is just sick. We have lost all concept of personal responsibility!

  3. The sad thing is that the 'authorities' are responsible. Responsible, that is, for the attitude that everything is down to the State and that the State is the yardstick for and arbitrator (arby-traitor?) of everything, morality, legality, human reach and ambition, identity, everything. The saddest thing still is that we've accepted it, on both sides of the Pond. What a shame.

    I'm reminded of something I heard in a recorded broadcast recommended by a friend, a broadcast by someone called Whitaker, where the speaker sums up this mentality with the acronym DICTA (Don't get Involved, Call The Authorities), an acronym for a concept which I suspect will take on more and more power in the coming years (especially in Europe) unless measures are taken to restore not only the belief of Western people to the right to define their own fate, but to ensure they have the freedom to do so.
