Friday, December 07, 2007


My friend Owen was reading our local windbag Liberal columnist who regaled us with the various strains of Conservativism, which he attempted to define. Owen decided to write to the Editor with some further sub-categories of Conservatives, and asked me to help. Here's what I came up with:

SeeNoCon - Chinese Communist Conservative (Cino and you "see" none...get it???)

ChocoCon - New Orleans Conservative

MexiCon - Legal immigrant who resents illegals

AfriCon - White resident of Africa

BroCon - Black Conservative

VulCon - extremely logical Conservative

BustaCon - Hip-Hop Conservative

WicCon - Conservative Witch

CafeCon - French Conservative

Basta!Con - Italian Conservative

LOLCon - Conservative Comedian

PostModCon - Conservative who doesn't know whether he's coming or going.

ExCon - a Liberal

Feel free to add to the list.

The Gunslinger

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