Monday, December 03, 2007

A Dilemma with Horns

...and I'm on them.

I'm having a Moral that I can't decide the moral course to take. Here's my problem:

Is White Separatism morally obligatory, morally justifiable, morally neutral, or morally repugnant? Is it necessary? Is it desirable?

There seem to be reasonable arguments for all positions. And I am unable at present, to determine which arguments trump the others.

I have certain feelings about the subject. But I can't trust those. Feeling good about a position is not sufficient. It must Be Good. But how can I determine which of these positions is the right one?

The idea of White Separatism is a relatively new one for me. I grew up in a White World, and was taught that all people are equal, and that no race was superior to another. Racism, whether in the form of hostility or condescension was not tolerated. I believed it.

I believed it all my life. I might still decide to believe it. But I'm not so sure anymore. Evidence and experience argues against it.

In my personal life, I still live in a White World. All my friends are White, my place of employment is almost entirely White. The town I live in is still marginally majority White. I engage in activities that largely attract Whites.

But the landscape of my environment is vastly changed. "Press One for English" is the norm. Spanish and Mexicans are everywhere. Chinese and Filipinos have literally taken over several towns in the San Francisco Bay Area. Areas that were once White neighborhoods are now peopled with foreigners who speak foreign languages, celebrate foreign cultures.

Where did my country go? I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

Where are the German, Italian, Polish, Swiss, Swedish, Norwegian, French, English, Australian, Irish, Scottish immigrants? Why are they all brown and yellow with alien cultures that don't share the basic fundamental assumptions of mine?

Why is my country importing people that aren't White to the point that White people will be a minority soon? Why is my government giving my land, my country, my inheritance, my homeland away? Why is my government going out of its way to be sure that White people are outnumbered in "their own country" that soon, and obviously, it will no longer be "their own country"?

On the other hand, does "Whiteness" matter? Is it just an accident or surface diversity of pigment? Is there a fundamental difference in races? If there is, should we acknowledge it? Does is matter? Is it wiser and more moral to notice differences and act on them, or to pretend they don't exist, for the happiness and comfort of all?

People ARE people, after all. And their human dignity, no matter their color, must be respected. But is pretense required to accomplish that? Or is pretense the destroyer of dignity? If there is a fundamental difference among races, is it kindness or cruelty to pretend otherwise? Is it kindness or cruelty to acknowledge it, and deal with it?

If races do differ in innate characteristics, talents, intelligence and potential, is it fair or moral to those races who cannot meet the standards or accomplishments of others to demand or expect it of them? Is it fair to those whose cultures are high, to be swamped and degraded by those whose cultures are not?

Culture is not at issue here, really. I am clear that different culture cannot co-exist in the same nation. That has been demonstrated without serious argument, as a recipe for disaster.

It is as clear everywhere that culturally unassimilated immigrants create conflict, anger, resentment, even violence within countries; that order and community and freedom and human dignity and justice and even the economy are weakened.

For the United States to survive, foreign immigrants MUST assimilate into our culture. The Multiculturalists are wrong...deadly wrong...dangerously wrong. And we must resist them at every turn. Of this there is no doubt.

The question is no longer whether can cultures co-exist, but rather: Is race a determinate of culture?

Christianity and other high Spiritual systems tell us that all men are the same, equally beloved by God or emanations of the same Divine Spirit. These are powerful arguments against the idea that race should separate us. If we are all equally the Children of God, or essentially the same Spirit beneath our material forms, how can we distinguish between races? Why does race matter? Why should one seek to perpetuate one's own?

Assuming that we rate cultures, and that we determine Western Culture is the best...does it matter who perpetuates it? If all Whites disappeared, but all the resulting Cafe-au-Lait colored people cherished and advanced Western Civilization, would race matter?

On the other hand, is it possible for Western Civilization to survive White People's demise?

We are the inventors and builders of it. No other race developed anything like it. Africans and Arabs persist in primitive tribal collectives to this day. Asians seem to naturally develop totalitarian regimes with submissive, obedient, compliant, conformist subjects. Even after the profound influence of America in Japan after WWII, the Japanese culture remains highly conformist and non-individualistic. Western hemisphere "indian" populations are all still awash in poverty, ignorance and corruption.

Who among them can keep the light of Western Civilization shining in the world? Who among the races that did not naturally develop anything like it, can undertake to preserve it faithfully and truly and advance it appropriately?

In my head I see the children of Road Warrior...repeating snippets of the Great Civilization, in mangled words, without understanding, among its ruins.

So, what is the answer? Is preserving the White Race an important mission? Is it false pride, parochial interest, arrogance? Is it really just "tribal" too?

Or is it almost a sacred duty, not only for the survival of the Race...but literally for the hope and advancement of the entire World?

If that is so, perhaps the way to "frame" the mission is just that: The preservation of the White Race and its nations is a MUST for the advancement and improvement of all the other races.

Though others will find that argument painfully arrogant, it follows this If/Then logic:

IF races are fundamentally different, and culture is determined by race...

IF Western Civilization is the highest, best culture yet evolved by Man...

IF only the White Race developed, or COULD develop Western Civilization with its freedom, dignity and justice for all...

IF no race but the White Race could maintain and advance Western Civilization to ensure the preservation of these principles for all time, and eventually for all men...

THEN, it is a Sacred Duty for the hope of Mankind to see that the White Race and its superior civilization do not perish from the earth.

This is perfectly logical if all the IF's are true. And I suppose, finally, my question is: ARE ALL THE IF'S TRUE?

The Gunslinger


  1. Slinger,
    I enjoy very much your writing/thinking . . . please listen with an open mind. They cover subject matter in several of your posts lately. You do know where the reference to Clanking Chains comes from, don't you?

    download or stream

  2. Gunslinger,

    Thought provoking post. Not sure if this helps, but I'll take a shot at it. Your answer I believe lies within your question. The issue is culture, not race. Our cultural heritage is full of examples of mulit-"racial" integration. This country was built and protected with a multi-racial integrated ethos.

    But the common thread is.. Judeo/Christian heritage. It is one of personal responsibility, stressing the inherent value of each individual and the God given inalienable rights with regards to the practice of faith and the protection of life and property.

    When that cultural heritage is attacked.. vis a vi ... abortion, destruction of family, prolific disregard for laws (massive illegal immigration)proliferation of pornography along with the unwillingness to acknowledge the roots of the culture..(bashing Christianity and the family. Combine these attacks and you get the perfect storm.

    With regards to illegal immigration.. by encouraging it.. you have no inherent mechanisms to assimilate the great wave of humanity. ie.. No medical vaccinations.. no english language requirements... no American History (cultural and spiritual indoctrination) instruction. This is encouraged by the left in order to marginalize and dilute our heritage.. and by big business right in order to facilitate greed.

    There are many other points.. but that would be a whole post I think.

    So... I think... the battle must be fought against those things that destroy our culture.. and big and.. we need revolutionary reforms at the government level with regards to ALL immigration. And.. fight PC wherever and whenever you find it.

    Hope this helps..

    Bill H.

  3. Seems like Bill H didn't read the thought provoking post fully. The real issue is if culture and race can be disentangled. Can you have Western (read White) culture without Whites?

    Well, there's two things to say to that:

    1 - If it were possible, would it be desirable? Would you really want to steal the birthright of an entire race just to appease some commie fantasy of racial equivalence? I personally don't think that'd be a good thing. Look at all the ways in which we Whites find good things to say about other races, it comes down to what they've done as a group, their historical characteristics. Remove that and what have you got? A whole lot of nothing, just different colors on the same kind of physical frame. Like swapping the full human for a humanoid chequer piece. I can't say that appeals greatly.

    2 - Is it possible to disentangle the two? No, I don't think it is. No country was built or protected 'with a multi-racial integrated ethos', to borrow Bill's happy term. America was made by Whites and for Whites. If one reads the book A Race Against Time: Racial Heresies for the 21st Century, one can see a whole slew of historical data damning the myth that 'racism' (read - a state of not fawning over the poor-little-coloureds) has always been seen as bad by all 'right-thinking' Americans. Hell, even Lincoln was a horrible, evil racist. The book, A Race Against Time, shows that Lincoln thought blacks 'a troublesome presence' and that he said "I am not nor ever have been in favour of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people... while they [blacks and whites] do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favour of having the superior position assigned to the white race" (A Race Against Time: Racial Heresies for the 21st Century pg 4)

    So much for Lincoln the patron saint of the negroes. It looks more and more like racism isn't some old and horrible thing that we've always been trying, unsuccessfully, to root out, but more a recent concept which came into play (strangely and surely purely by coincidence) around the time of the Cultural Marxist social revolution around the 60s or so.

    But even if you're just talking about western culture, can anyone seriously say that western culture was constructed by all people from all places? Did it just drop from the sky some happy day in 1946? Or, are we gonna be able to be brave enough to look straight at the evidence and admit that everything worthwhile and good that we enjoy, in fact the whole civilisation that spread across the world and truly improved the lives of millions (rather than 'enriching' them like our more recent arrivals) came from Europe and Europeans. That is to say, whites. Just look at the places where whites were and are no longer, the South African areas opened up to blacks, the whole formerly prosperous country of Rhodesia reduced to a pit called Zimbabwe. Look at any area which is full of non-white immigrants, take those areas of LA or somewhere for an example. Western culture surviving the departure of whites? Doesn't look like it.

    So then taking the two apart, race and culture, isn't possible nor is it desirable.

    Thus your logic train goes from being valid (if the premises are correct, then the conclusion is correct, but we don't know if the premises are correct) to being sound (the premises are correct, so the conclusion is correct) and so we see that

    Because races are fundamentally different, and culture is determined by race...

    and because Western Civilization is the highest, best culture yet evolved by Man...

    and because only the White Race developed, or COULD develop Western Civilization with its freedom, dignity and justice for all...

    and because no race but the White Race could maintain and advance Western Civilization to ensure the preservation of these principles for all time, and eventually for all men...

    THEN, it is a Sacred Duty for the hope of Mankind to see that the White Race and its superior civilization do not perish from the earth.

    As someone once said, we must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.

    If we don't, nobody else will, that much is certain.

  4. Thanks for the thoughtful responses. It's a difficult dilemma because I have been the recipient of the full power of government and social brainwashing, just like everyone else. And what I see, and suspect is TRUE, goes against everything I was ever taught.

    Indeed it is the very definition of "Evil" in our distorted and disjointed "modern culture."

    It is a wrenching experience to find oneself a "racist" when that has been defined as the worst sin imaginable, and it is seriously psychologically dislocating!

  5. I know what you mean, it's not easy. But I find, for myself, that it's helpful if you remember what this modern 'culture' considers to be 'Good', multiculturalism, soft approaches to terrorism, silent ethnic cleansing, coming down on the side of the moslems in the Serbian conflict, MTv whoredom, a complete and utter lack of honor.

    With all that in mind, that 'culture' can go f*** itself, IMHO. The really important thing is to find out what's true, what's real and really good, and to refuse to be mentally shackled by some commie social engineer in an office who never has to experience the results of his evil plans and doesn't care about those of us who do.

    Bottom line, this whole thing of racial awareness being 'evil' in the eyes of this modern 'culture' is really just peer-pressure for adults. Remember what we tell the kids? Just say NO (to the commie thought police)

  6. tc14,

    Yes. In another post, I chronicled my realization that "science's" "proof" of soulless evolutionary materialism, was just another piece of unsubstantiated crap foist on an unsuspecting public by "scientists" with a hidden and unacknowledged agenda.

    And you're right: peer pressure. It takes courage to buck it. But, without courage and honor, what is there?

    I suppose another way of putting is: "Consider the source!"

  7. "It is as clear everywhere that culturally unassimilated immigrants create conflict, anger, resentment, even violence within countries; that order and community and freedom and human dignity and justice and even the economy are weakened.

    For the United States to survive, foreign immigrants MUST assimilate into our culture. The Multiculturalists are wrong...deadly wrong...dangerously wrong. And we must resist them at every turn. Of this there is no doubt."

    Is this, then, the basis of your thinking/theory/argument? I obviously don't have the benefit of the diverse sourcing you have apparently been into lately, but I do completely agree with the aforementioned statement. In fact, I don't think I've heard something so utterly TRUE in... well, years.

    Is it race and/or culture that seems to be causing the problems? I think you are closer to the head of the nail with the above sentence - it is not a racial issue, nor a cultural issue - it is the blatant refusal of most immigrants - legal or otherwise - to assimilate into the culture of the country they entered - legally or otherwise - in order to participate in and get their own chunk of The American Dream.

    And thus the dream has become tarnished and overly politicized. Not to mention the fact that many Citizens find that we are suddenly NOT ALLOWED to participate in The American Dream because we are "advantaged." Because we are White. My children will not be allowed to reap the benefits of the system and wealth that our ancestors accumulated for our Homeland because the resources are now spent on those who have no interest in promulgating the basic tenets that made it possible. My children do not get the education that has set this country apart for two hundred years because they are integrated with students who are not Young Citizens, don't speak the National Language, and whose families do not own the property necessary to have the privilege of paying into the coffers of our Public Education system.

    200 years ago, it was a highly sought blessing and honor to enter this country as an immigrant and assimilate into the mindset of prosperity, endless possibilities, and Western Civilization.

    Now, it's just a free lunch. Except for the Citizens, of course... we're just expected to make our hard-earned dollars stretch to feed ourselves and all our non-English-speaking neighbors, too.

    I REALLY strayed away from the subject, sorry.

    I suppose what I'm really getting at is that I don't think you or I would be labelled a "racist" if OUR culture EXPECTED those who wish to be Americans were held to the standard befitting Western Civilization. If immigrants don't WANT to "be Americans," why come here? If folks want to preserve their culture, those folks can stay in their native environment. If people wish to hold themselves and their offspring to a lower standard than is dictated by the tenets of Western Civilization, then they should seek a culture with similar tenets and emigrate and assimilate there.

    And my question is: Why ISN'T this the expectation? Why do Americans (not all Americans, obviously) continually give away more of their heritage, wealth, and dignity to people who refuse to assimilate the standard of living, working, and being accountable that is the hallmark of our Nation? Why have the Citizens ALLOWED it?

    I don't know what's "right" or "good" either. But I feel the same.

  8. And in my ranting of earlier, I failed to answer the question that you posited for your faithful readers' review:

    Yes, your argument is logical (syllogistically logical, that is) IF all the "ifs" are true.

    Unfortunately, syllogistic (in this case, deductive syllogistic) reasoning is necessarily false because the reasoning (the calculus, if you will) is flawed.

    This is the classic Russelian dilemma: if my mind naturally orders information deductively (which it does for obvious reasons, not the least of which is survivability), but I wish to create a "logical" or "atomic" language that will accurately portray truth in all statements and thus unify the "facts" of our senses and those "things" of perception, I must necessarily discard deductive observations from my "vocabulary" and speak in terms of objects of immediate perception only.

    Whew! All of that is an overly academic way of saying that there is no way - with or without a logical calculus - to effectively "prove" the truth - or falsity! - of all the "ifs" because the fundamental premise is inherently flawed. What's happened yesterday will not necessarily happen tomorrow. From a philosophical/analytical standpoint, there is no veracity in the "Scientific Method" because it relies on circumstances in the past. Just because a thing was observed yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that until time out of mind does NOT mean it will be observed tomorrow. It is from these deduced observations that you've assumed your conclusion, which makes the conclusion - and each premise - necessarily false. This was the downfall of both Descartes AND Locke. ;-)


    Given this, since it is your conclusion that you are actually positing the "truth" of, why not start with that as your fundamental premise and work from there?

    (Silly old witch and Master's degree in Analytic Philosophy)


    I'm not sure if this was helpful to you or not. But I think you are doing some work that is very meaningful to you and to others as well. If it is work that you hope to change the minds of still others with, your premise MUST BE infallible, agreed?

    You da bomb, Gunny.

  9. Daughter,

    "I must necessarily discard deductive observations from my "vocabulary" and speak in terms of objects of immediate perception only."

    Odd theory. Inherent in it is the assumption that everything is random; and with less evidence than the assumption it refutes.

    Sherlock Holmes and I disagree, with all due respect.


    I do think it might profitably be used to point out the assumptions of much of what we call "science", however...for the benefit of everyone involved!

    But your point is well made. I don't even want to BELIEVE anything, let along convince others of it, if the premises are not true, and the reasoning unsound.

    But I am prepared to accept the evidence of history. I'll take the historian's tack (rather than the logician's) and say that to understand the present, you must understand the past.

    I guess the question is, "What does history teach us about Race and Culture?"

    And the answers are so shrouded in bias and spin, it's hard to know what's true.

  10. Daughter of night,

    "I must necessarily discard deductive observations from my "vocabulary" and speak in terms of objects of immediate perception only."

    And following this to its logical conclusion would lead to you discovering every fact of existence for the first time every time you encounter them. Good luck with that, you'll need it!


    "I guess the question is, "What does history teach us about Race and Culture?"

    And the answers are so shrouded in bias and spin, it's hard to know what's true."

    Maybe, maybe not. If you look at how the country was before the racial floodgates opened and how it is now, even within your own 'immediate perception' then and now, what does that tell you? How many Knoxville murders and Al Sharptons and Black Panther movements existed to destroy the country before the racial invasion? How many now? How much more or less safe do we feel walking through our own neighbourhoods now when they've been made so 'vibrant' and 'diverse'?

    The race-neutral propagandist's line is exactly the same as the one used by the cheating husband to his wife, "who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?!"

  11. I agree that the Russelian dilemma seems rather silly, and that in practical matters, analytic philosophy in the Russelian model serves us not at all. It was presented as a reminder, not as a model. :-)

  12. "Unfortunately, syllogistic (in this case, deductive syllogistic) reasoning is necessarily false because the reasoning (the calculus, if you will) is flawed.

    This is the classic Russelian dilemma"

    It sure looked like it was presented as a label for the situation here. Ah well.

  13. Daughter...I only mention it because as a college grad myself, I realize how much we learn 'theoretically" that is really just the result of mental masturbation by people with more brains than sense, who live their whole lives in the bubble of the ivory tower.

    One of my favorite lines is by Dennis Prager: "Only someone who's been to college could say something that stupid!"

    It helps keep my feet on the ground. I'm pro-education ...but I get suspicious when the professor can't tie his own shoelaces, but can "deconstruct" Shakespeare!

  14. Deductive syllogistic logic is necessarily false. My point is that the argument can be presented more cohesively, but first asserting the "truth" of the leading premises does not validate the argument as a whole, regardless of whether or not those premises could be labelled as "true."

    The point of bringing up Russell's theory of "atomic language" (and the resulting dilemma) was that he (and plenty of others) tried to formulate a logical calculus that DOESN'T rely on deductive reasoning for "projected truths" and failed miserably.

    Tc14, perhaps this was unclear because you've read (or at least copied) my statement outside of the context in which it was presented. This is how you quoted me:

    "Unfortunately, syllogistic (in this case, deductive syllogistic) reasoning is necessarily false because the reasoning (the calculus, if you will) is flawed.

    This is the classic Russelian dilemma"

    You evidently missed the paragraph break, signifying a shift in focus. Here is what the quote actually looks like:

    "This is the classic Russelian dilemma: if my mind naturally orders information deductively (which it does for obvious reasons, not the least of which is survivability), but I wish to create a "logical" or "atomic" language that will accurately portray truth in all statements and thus unify the "facts" of our senses and those "things" of perception, I must necessarily discard deductive observations from my "vocabulary" and speak in terms of objects of immediate perception only."

    The inherent falsity of deductive syllogistic logic was acknowledged long before Bertrand Russell was born. The first paragraph is a lead-in to the second, which was written to illustrate that despite the lack of veracity in deductive reasoning, no one else has been able to find a better way of using the "truth" in the past (lessons of history - or perception - or sub-atomic memory) to accurately project "truth" in the future. Russell perhaps was closest, but his theory has no practical value for every day living.

    And the only reason I brought it up is because I would love Gunny to be the first to change that.


  15. "Mental masturbation."


    Sounds fun. :-)

  16. You know the kind of prof I mean, right? He'll prove theoretically that the sky is green; all worked out in his windowless basement study.

    Never occur to him to climb up to the surface and actually look at it.

  17. I know the type. Hell, I am the type. We Liberal Arts folks have no other way to feel like we're accomplishing anything, so we have to make stuff up. :-)
