Saturday, November 03, 2007

Simple Choice

There is no such thing as good government. It's always bad.

You can have a bigger, stronger, richer, more intrusive bad government.
You can have a smaller, weaker, poorer, more timid bad government.

Those are the only choices.
And you have to choose.

The Gunslinger


  1. Yep, government is often bad, but could people really exist without it?

    What do you think the alternative to government is?

  2. Steve, of course government is necessary. I didn't suggest otherwise. In fact, I clearly presented the only alternatives:

    1)Small government
    2)Big government

    Given government is always bad, I'll take less of a bad thing. A smaller dose of poison, as it were.

    I choose SMALL government.

    Which was, of course, my point.

  3. The smaller, the better. Something like a confederacy would perhaps be best, from what I understand of the concept of a confederacy.

  4. Our Democratic Republic was supposed to be more like that. But Federal Power has as grown into areas not allowed by the Constitution.

    And government, in general, has flexed it muscles, and invaded, supposedly "for the public good", many areas that for decades understood to be off limits to government.

    Whenever man has his hand on power, he experiences an overpowering urge to increase it. Against all rules, against all tradition, against all morals.

    Small government is one of the most fundamental ideas of Conservatism in America.

    Someone once said something like, "Government should be afraid of its citizens."

    That was the original idea of democracy...if they piss us off, we'll vote them out. That has a way of focusing their attention on the will of the people.

    Now government has its thumb on the scale. And the Citizens are afraid of their Government.

    Not a good sign.
