Liberals say they're "for the poor". But what does that really mean? Are they for today's poor, or last week's poor....cause they're not the same people. Apparently they're stuck with a world view that was last accurate in Feudal Europe, when serfs were serfs forever.
This Opinion Journal article proves, once again, that while the poor may always be with us, they are not the same people from year to year. People start out poor...and then they get richer, and a new crop of "poor", i.e., "starter-outers", comes along to fill the gap in the "poor" class...until they, too, move on up.
So, who are the Liberals really for? People moving up out of poverty? Considering those are the ones they immediately rush to tax and regulate, I'd have to say no. The Liberals it seems, are for the poor, only in the sense that they want more of them.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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