Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wizards and Racism

OK, I don't know much about "White Supremacy". Because I don't want to.
But looking around for Old Norse symbols, I ran, inadvertently, into an "anti-racist" site that has a gallery of "racist" symbols.

I was, I admit, fascinated that so many have been developed and identified. I was just vaguely perusing them, until my eye fell on this. It is an Old Norse Rune.

"This", says I, "is not a symbol of racism! It is a 'letter' of the Norse Futhark, and according to Edred Thorsson, (eminent Runemaster), corresponds to to the English letter 'z'. It's called Elhaz, and is a kenning for Sword."

I was disgusted that this lovely symbol had been degraded into a racist one, until I read the "racist" meaning the web-authors ascribed to it. I quote:

Often called the "life rune" (from the German lebenrune), it was the symbol of the SS's Lebensborn project. To white supremacists, it signifies the future of the white race.

I am ignorant of this symbol's use by the Nazi SS, so I'll stipulate that. But what I am interested in is the last sentence: To white supremacists, it signifies the future of the white race. This, apparently, is the basis on which these people have identified this as a "racist" symbol.

So... anyone symbolizing (imagining?) a future for the White Race, is by definition, a racist?

Apparently their idea, and my idea, of "racist", don't exactly coincide. Which then, of course, makes all their critique of the other symbols, suspect. As well as their motives.

Personally, I quite like to imagine a distinct and successful future for the White race.

Call me a racist. (Yawn)

The Gunslinger

Note: This symbol is also part of the Dwarf Runes of the Lord of the Rings, and signifies 'g'. It's the symbol Gandalf signed with. Aha! Remember, he was always talking about the "Dark Lord" and the "Dark Power". Now it becomes clear...


  1. Hmm yes and the black skinned Southrons weren't portrayed positively :/

  2. Frankly, I'm surprised they made the movie so true to the book!

    Written by a man dedicated to creating a heroic myth for the English...!

    How did it ever get past the Multiculti censors??

  3. Interesting that inverted and encircled it becomes a "peace" symbol. I wonder if this was Nordic in its origin (thumb up/thumb down), an intentional perversion of the sword kenning or just one of histories ironies?

  4. There is a legit rune that's this one upside down. It's for -R, whatever that means...

    ...I think its that weird extra "r" at the end of some Old Norse words.

    It appears to mean Yew...and according to my reference book, the Icelandic "rune poem" attached to it:

    Yew is a strung bow
    and brittle iron
    and Farbauti[=a giant]of the arrow

    ...I have NO idea...except that "peace" doesn't seem to be overly represented in Norse symbology!!


  5. Coming from a Norse dominated state and heritage, I can attest to the feeling that "Peace" in Norse times meant waking up either hungry or dead.

    :Holger Danske

  6. Bollocks to the hand wringers and their so called racist symbols.I have my name and my families in runes in bold black letters down my right fore arm(Anglo Saxon runes).To me they are part of my ancestors and my heritage!.(Shieldwall-Plymouth-England)

  7. Alphadog, I've seen it used inverted without the circle to signify death. Perhaps it's a historical irony that the footprint of the great pacifist chicken was known to our forefathers as the sign for death? After all, a tribe (of any sort) which refuses to fight, is unlikely to survive for long.

  8. The cross, in all it's forms, dates back to the Egyptian "Ankh" and probably even further. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that it was intended as a racist symbol, although it is noteworthy that the Egyptians were 'ultra-conservative', ie, RACIST. This is why their civilization is the most 'conservative' civilization ever known to have existed on Earth.

    The Greeks were also racist, believing that they descended from a race of superior beings (as did the Egyptians).

    Racism is as old as the human race and isn't necessarily a bad thing.

  9. Ah...I think we've been poisoned with the Liberal tongue.

    Believing your country or culture is better than others is not RACISM.

    Racism is HATING members of another RACE.

    It's also not racism to believe that there are racial differences. It's racism to have an UNREASONABLE hatred of people because of them.

    Let's not slip into that slip-shod Liberal thinking!

  10. Well, actually, racism is kind of a bullshit term anyway. I mean, who says 'communism' and thinks of hating members of another community? Or Psychologist and thinks of one who hates other psyches?

    It's a bullshit liberal term to produce an impenetrable wall of bullshit to prevent us from seeing things clearly.
