Tuesday, October 02, 2007

"Scream Librescu"

William Hartman at The American Thinker has a good article on dealing with psychopaths with guns. His idea of training people to be aggressive instead of passive like those murdered by Seing-Hui Cho at Virginia Tech is a good and necessary one.

We've become a nation of sheep who wait for somebody else to come to our rescue. And die as a result. The Will to Action; the Will to Resist; the Will to Survive; the Will to Fight, is being bled out of us by Liberal Culture. And unless we want to be the New Jews, passively and obediently filing onto the cattle cars...we'd better get hip in a hurry.

Of course, I have one problem with Hartman's solution. He leaves out the one thing most effective in dealing with these predatory goblins: guns.

On the other hand, he's dealing with what we can do RIGHT NOW, even in the teeth of current laws intent on making us all helpless victims. What he suggests doesn't require lawsuits, lawyers or legislation. Just the will to act like Free Men who have a right and a duty to defend ourselves and other innocents against the stalking evil.

The Gunslinger


  1. The fact that only one old man had the guts to try anything at all says more about American college students than any survey or study could ever do.

    I've come to the conclusion that all the young people who might have made an effort to stop the gunman are currently serving in our military and therefore not on campus to help.

    If I was young and saw this playing out - I'd be heading for the military and not for college.

  2. A pity the good old man didn't get back up from his class...Also, a pity that not one student in all those classes was not locked and loaded with a .45 ACP (Screw the collage administration!)and resolved to defend himself and his classmates.

  3. We are becoming a two tiered society. The MEN and the rest.
