Monday, October 08, 2007

Exporting America

For a while now, I've been struggling with two fundamental ideas:

1) White people have a right to a country of their own.

2) America is an idea, not a nationality.

Believers of #1 have taken me to task because #2 seems to negate it. And, of course, believers in multiculturalism think I'm a racist for even thinking #1.

But I hold both statements to be true. But how they can be harmonized in a sensible way?

As long as people come in different colors and cultures, we will all prefer to be surrounded by those of our own color and culture...with a few "others" to add spice and flavor.

Being in the vast majority is a fine thing. But being a respected and appreciated minority has its attractions as well.

I wouldn't mind, if I went to Mexico, being part of a minority of Anglos who brought American ideas, and culture and food & lived in an American ghetto, that Mexicans visited to spice up their ordinary Mexican lives with baseball, barbeque, hot-dogs, potato salad, Hollywood movies, California wine, Texas beef, 4th of July parades, Rock & Roll and Protestantism. Chinatown in San Francisco.

And in exactly the same way, in America, founded and built by White people, let's keep the foreign cultures small, and in similar little pockets, adding spice, not competition.

Of course, I don't mean they shouldn't learn the language, vote, or otherwise engage in American traditions, I just mean that the physical and social areas in which they actively celebrate their original, foreign culture in language, arts, traditions, etc., should be limited and a theme park.

It is not necessary to deport every "person of color" in order for Whites to have a country of our own in America. But it IS necessary to recognize our own culture as the official American Culture, which ALL immigrants must respect, accept, assimilate and participate in.

And frankly, it is also necessary to limit the immigration of "people of color" so that the controlling racial majority remains White. If we don't, we soon will not have a country of our own. And that is unacceptable.

Now, how can statement #2, that America is an idea, not a nationality be true in light of the above argument?

#2 means that anyone who believes in the ideas of the American experiment and Constitution is, by definition, an American.

But doesn't that imply that anyone, of any color, who believes thus, is already an American, and should be able to live here in the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Well, yes and no.

It means they're Americans...but not necessarily citizens of The United States of America.

It doesn't mean they have to come to America, it means America has to go to them!

Exporting America, gentlemen. That's what I'm talkin' about.

There are two significant points to be made here. First is that too many Third World immigrants do not understand that America isn't a place, it's an idea. They seem to believe that there is some special sort of dirt or air or magic within the physical borders of the United States that makes people rich. They don't realize that what is here is not a product of the land, but of the sophisticated political philosophy of our founders, the intricate balance of our government, and our cultural mores of discipline, hard-work, self-reliance, independence.

They don't realize that if Americans exchanged countries with Mexico, soon Mexico would be a prosperous, rich and powerful country...and the U.S. would drift into Third-World status. And they would not understand why.

A perfect example of that is Zimbabwe...where Black cronies of the current president were given the lands stolen from the "rich" White Farmers, and expected to become rich themselves, but all that happened is that the farms fell into ruin and the country into famine. They had no clue as to the work, knowledge, sacrifice, discipline, investment, management necessary to run a successful farm. They just thought it was the White Man's "luck" or "privilege" of owning land that made him rich.

Too many Third-Worlders believe that they can drag their baggage of failed culture into the United States, act like they've always acted, believe what they have always believed, and yet become rich and successful like Americans. When it doesn't work, they don't understand it, and often blame Americans for their own failures. How is it possible, they wonder, that in this most rich, prosperous and powerful country, they are still poor?

Nobody is busy teaching the fundamentals of American success. Our own Liberals are clueless. Who could expect a poor, ignorant, unskilled Mexican to know?

So, it seems to me, that's our job. Teaching the world the American Way.

We don't have to have a physical Empire. But we'd be doing the world a favor if we had an IDEA Empire.

If Mexico became a successful Mexican-America, our illegal immigration problem would end. And those here today would go home. Wouldn't Mexicans rather live in a Mexican-America than an Anglo-America? Wouldn't Ethiopians rather live in an Ethiopian-America than in a White America? Wouldn't Chinese rather live in a Chinese-America than in a Western America. It's perfectly normal, familial, human nature.

Bush has been castigated for trying to bring democracy to Iraq. And maybe it was too ambitious a plan. But his instincts were right. The only way we're going to keep our own American way of life, so attractive to so many who don't understand how it's created or maintained, is to teach them how to build and keep an America of their own.

They can ALL be Americans, in their own version of the great American Experiment, the greatest achievement in human freedom in the history of the world. But they need to learn how to do it. They have to understand and implement the great IDEA. And we are the only ones who can teach them.

The Gunslinger

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