Monday, August 06, 2007

New Picture

I got my hair cut off. It doesn't get blown into my mouth, stuck in seatbelts, caught under cats. Nice.

The Gunslinger


  1. It's very sleek!!

    Congratulations! What freedom!!

  2. Having short hair makes it so easy to wash, and it's lighter to carry, I used to have it once.

  3. Thanks you guys. I found a VERY GOOD hair cutter. Worth his weight in gold. Which is about what he charges!

  4. Neat "DO" Gunny from the back-- Now turn around and let's see the front:-)

    Cheers, Ronbo

  5. Alright GS,Mr Shieldwall here.Nice haircut.I have not frequented any Barbers etc....for eons as I shave my head down to the bone nowadays,smooth as a babys bum and low maintenance,lovely!.Keep up the good work.I check in now and again,honest.

  6. Shieldwall! How're you doing, buddy? Good to hear from you!

    We miss you.

    Don't be a stranger!

  7. awww say it anit so

  8. I know. I know. It took me way to long to cut it because I had the same attachment to the whole long hair thing. But after a certain is just not flattering anymore.

    And, dude, I have to face it. I've reached that age.

    The hair itself was very pretty, and I miss it...but hanging there on an aging face had the effect of making me look like a dejected bloodhound.

    Ah, the indignities of youth gone to ruin.

  9. I know. I know. It took me way to long to cut it because I had the same attachment to the whole long hair thing. But after a certain is just not flattering anymore.

    And, dude, I have to face it. I've reached that age.

    The hair itself was very pretty, and I miss it...but hanging there on an aging face had the effect of making me look like a dejected bloodhound.

    Ah, the indignities of youth gone to ruin.
