In a response to a recent comment, I wrote that the Liberal position on gun control is based on fear. And that: "Fear is not a moral value."
And as I wrote it, it occurred to me that so many Liberal positions are fear based that it might actually explain their apparently absurd opinions and self-destructive positions to a rational mind.
Upon examination, many of the most perplexing positions taken by Liberal/Lefties are elegantly explained if understood to be a fear response.
First and most obvious is, of course, their hysterical objection to guns. Anti-gun Liberals fear a loaded gun will explode of its own accord like a faulty bomb. They seem to believe firearms are independent, self-directed agents of unpredictable, random violence, beyond the control of humans.
Many are so afraid of guns that they will not touch one. Being in the same room as a gun makes them jittery and apprehensive, afraid it will "go off" somehow. A visible gun causes intense apoplexy. The underlying emotion is fear. And while not a moral value, it is a powerful stimulant.
The thing about fear is it's embarrassing. It's debilitating. It's...whatever the opposite of "empowering" is. (depowering?) People who feel it have two choices. They can recognize that they are cowards, weaklings & wimps, or they can explain their fear as a normal, healthy response to a bad and dangerous thing.
(I'm not suggesting here that there aren't bad and dangerous things in the world that sane, fully realized adult human beings shouldn't fear. I'm talking about Liberal hysteria...)
Obviously, Liberals always opt for the second option, and try to convince everyone else that it is a bad and dangerous thing, and to fear it too. A sheep in a flock of sheep does not stand out as a grasseater. In a nation of individualistic, brave sheepdogs they are pathetic. They want badly to be important leaders, but not too many sheepdogs will follow a sheep. Rather than chest up and become a sheepdog, Liberals prefer to drag everyone into sheepdom. It's clearly their mission; everything they do is calculated to turn cowboys into clerks . And from their point of view, I guess it makes sense: Create a timid, frightened, flock and they no longer suffer by comparison. Everyone else is just as dependent, skittish and fearful as they are.
Unfortunately, these ambitious sheep are very nearsighted. They don't see beyond the next election or the national borders.
Their refusal to believe that there are Wolf populations that will prey on a nation of sheep is just more of the same thing. So many Liberals refuse to acknowledge the seriousness of the Islamic threat, for example. They blame Bush and America. This is just another sashay in the fear tango: If America is responsible for all world mayhem, there is no bad and dangerous thing out there to scare them into paralysis (making them feel like cowards, weaklings & wimps). After all, they can stand tall and belligerently abuse the President and Republicans without fear of torture and death. And significantly, they have loudly, proudly and repeatedly claimed that it is courageous to do so.
They like believing they're courageous. They like being thought of as courageous. But actually face or overcome their fears? God forbid.
Is it possible everything they claim to believe stems from that same insufficient fund of bravery?
They are Spanish voters, collapsing in the face of Muslim violence. They are Europe castigating cartoonists. They are American universities providing foot washing basins for Muslim students while tearing down 100 year old Christian crosses on their property. They are France calling rioting Muslims "youths", and Britain calling murdering Muslims "Asians".
Another thing that demonstrates their underlying fear of life in general is the Liberal urge to control every aspect of it. They are very busy trying to control what, where, how and when we may/must eat, drink, smoke, speak, wear, drive, read, barbeque, telephone, shop, think, exercise, work, contribute, buy, sell, invent, write, broadcast, publish, gather, pray, campaign, organize, marry, hire, support, parent...(add your own)...
"Global Warming" is as clear an indication of their hysterical fear of natural life as anything in recent memory. (Well...except their exponential dread of "Global Cooling" in the 70's.)
It has become a religion, a faith-based movement. It bears no resemblance to reality, just like so many of their silly obsessions. This time it's big, though: THE IMMINENT DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD!!. And all of their other, less-successful-to-date campaigns can be fit nicely within what we might call their "Unified Field Theory" (a little physics joke).
Their collected individual fears can be associated with, and conglomerated under this BIG FEAR: Tobacco smoking, American food production, driving cars, shooting guns (they'll think of a way), waging war, generating power, drilling for oil, the free market, etc. It's the Perfect Storm (a little global warming pun).
Thankfully, and naturally, it's dissipating into an obnoxious, odoriferous miasma, as does any phantasm when examined in the cold light of day. But their continuing passionate embrace of it demonstrates the depth of their stone cold, mindless yet calculating, tearfully fearful response to the adventure of life and living.
I'm going to give this more thought. I think it might be the key to understanding what has been to me, the incomprehensibly idiotic world-view of Liberals.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Big mistake.
ReplyDeleteThe average protester on the street may be acting out of fear and a sheeplike herd instinct, but the people pulling the strings are not.
As a matter of fact they show less fear than conservatives. They simply desire to make sure that you act in a decent, civilized manner. They consider this their "white man's burden".
I'm not sure who you mean...Nancy Pelosi? Kos? Dennis Kucinich?
ReplyDeleteThese are the classically brain-dead, who in their intense fear of real life, have manufactured a fantasy world in which the biggest bogey-man is George Bush.
And they have clearly demonstrated their "mission": to reduce my personal autonomy to the point that I am dependent on the state for my next meal.
They can't even spell decency. And everything they do is effecting the further breakdown of our civilization.
Get the blinders off. You are participating in their fantasy world. Anyone who sees the Liberal Masters as fearless has drunk the Kool-Aid, my friend.
I'm afraid the "Big mistake" was my reading the first comment here, anonymous. First off, it makes no sense. Secondly, if I can try to weed through the gibberish, it appears you agree that you are a sheep, led by a "shepard" the likes of Markos "IWasInTheMilitaryLongEnoughToKnowIAmAChickenshit" Moulitsas.
ReplyDeleteAs for "their" burden, they are welcome to it. They can lug it around on their scrawny backs 24/7 for all I care. I don't have a burden. I have a mission.
::Holger Danske
Holger Danske...AWAKEN! We need you!
ReplyDeleteRight On...Flight4theRight! calling and personal abuse, who would have thought it.
ReplyDeleteI begin to believe that I have discovered a haven of liberals who now that they are older, want to protect their investments and Beemers rather than their sexual freedoms and drug rights.
People who are busy feeling self rightous quoting the party line who have no real concept of liberty or self reliance. The same "we know best" liberals from the 60's. You sing a different tune, but you are the same. Any wonder the Republicans lost in '06 and will probably do so in '08.
You have no real concept of liberty or our Constitutional Republic. Right wing sheep or left wing sheep, there is no difference. You are still sheep.
Funny...all I can hear is "blah, blah, blah." pass the liberal test.