"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." ---Thomas Jefferson, 1816.
The ignoramuses of America are just like the camel-dung Jihadis or the wetback Mexicans. They swarm into the territory of productive people like locusts, demand all the benefits; don't care, respect, learn, or appreciate what it takes to make such a culture work and produce...and then can't figure out why, once they force their way to power, it no longer works.
See: Any nation the Muslims have conquered from the 7th Century onward.
See: Any state, county, neighboorhood, school system, business district, illegal aliens have flooded.
See: Any government, university, business, medical system, or country Liberals control, run, regulate or tax.
The Gunslinger
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