Coming soon! To a neighborhood near you!
I wonder, did anyone think that importing millions of illiterate, poor, unsophisticated, uncultured, undisciplined, unskilled peasants would NOT result in this mess?
Why are White People responsible for the inability of Mexicans to create a prosperous, successful country?
Seems to me the Liberals believe that the White Man is all powerful, knowing, intelligent, prosperous, rich, successful, superior and triumphant; and the poor little brown people of the world can't do anything for themselves, so they must be gathered into the White Man’s country, put under the White Man's protection, and given handouts because they are so unfit for anything else.
It's the modern version of "The White Man's Burden".
At least in the old days, the Europeans considered it their "Burden" to bring civilization, enlightenment, Christianity, education, literacy and the law to the natives. Today’s Liberals don't bother with any of that. They just want them to flood into the country, bringing their ignorance and poverty with them—which Liberals honor as "cultural diversity"—sign them up for welfare checks but keep them a permanent underclass in our literate, educated, sophisticated, technological, industrially advanced culture, to be used as a political weapon.
If I were brown, I'd be furious. I would resent the implication, and refuse the patronizing and condescending handouts from people who obviously don't believe I have what it takes to make it on my own, or to be an equal in the family of man...instead of a slow-witted little brown brother who requires the constant help and vigilant nurse-maiding from Big White Brother.
Could Liberals be right? Could brown people be incapable of competing with Whites on a level playing field? And if so, are Liberals just pretending they're equal, like the kindly big brother of a retarded kid?
That’s certainly the lesson they're teaching Whites and non-Whites alike. And every non-White who buys into the welfare gimme is admitting that he ain't up to the game.
And no matter how much “self-esteem” blather he hears from clueless Liberals, he’ll never have any Self-Respect.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Don't forget the kowtowing to the values which created said ignorance and poverty. Of course, since these are not the ones prosperous white nations tend to value, they are diverse and must be worshipped.
ReplyDelete....Or something.
Yep. You got it in one!