Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Gunslinger's Immigration Solution

An 800-page bill is not required to "fix" illegal immigration. A simple two-word sentence, with two explanatory points is sufficient:

Become inhospitable.
  • No work, no welfare, no medicine, no education, no food, no shelter, no Spanish.
  • Pay citizens a bounty for turning illegals in for immediate deportation.
Most would leave in a goddamn hurry.

Elegant, cheap, easy.

The Gunslinger


  1. GS, remember it's still the government, you will still recieve 200 million for your indepth report, maybe just throw in a few more words like; compulsory, prohibitory or exclusionary, just to spice it up a bit for the Liberals.

  2. Hahahahaha...

    Paid by the word..and the level of incomprehension!

    Right you are, harbinger!
