Dear Abby,
My next door neighbors have 10 children, two sets of in-laws, several aunts, uncles and cousins, and 5 large untrained dogs. Their front yard is knee-deep weeds, wrecked cars and discarded appliances. The house is falling down from neglect. Their backyard is a rubbish strewn toilet for their dogs. All the adults are unemployed.
I, on the other hand, work two jobs, maintain my house, yards and automobile. I live, if not in luxury, cleanly and comfortably.
These people now insist I give them access to my house, car and garden. They are angry that there are so many of them living in squalor, while I (with my two cats) have a lovely house and garden to myself.
Frequently, while I am at work, they break in and use my property as their own. They eat my food, use my TV, lounge in my Jacuzzi, play on my computer, rifle through my personal possessions and allow their dogs to terrify my cats. They leave filth, trash, damage and injury in their wake.
I now have to spend twice the money, time and effort to maintain my property and replace things they ruin, break or steal. I’m getting exhausted and going broke in the process.
And if that’s not bad enough, the cats and I have repeatedly required extra medical attention because of injuries, infections, and parasites.
I have called the police, but they say they are not allowed to arrest these people. Something about them having the "right to seek a better life".
What can I do?
Bewildered in California
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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