Just happened on this picture of Dr. John, as the Night Tripper. Gotta love him. Apropos of nothing. Just needed a break from the intensity.
I just finished reading Mark Steyn's AMERICA ALONE. I recommend it. He's a good writer, and often funny. Even if the subject matter isn't.
He details Europe's decline and fall, and its inevitable surrender to Islam because of welfare state ennui, age, secularism, and demographics (no babies!) along with the fierceness, faith, youth and high birthrate of Muslim immigrants.
He describes Muslim countries exactly as we see them: unproductive, culturally vacant, incapable of creating any of the luxuries, tools, toys, weapons, they rely on to wage war and amuse themselves.
He sees a new Dark Age following Muslim assertion of control over Europe. They will, naturally, destroy what made Europe great, and replace it with what makes Muslim countries poverty-stricken, ignorant, violent cesspools.
As they cut their way through the civilized West it will revert to the Muslim default of wrack and ruin, just like everything they touch. Steyn makes the historical point that at their "peak" they were merely living off the accomplishments and reputations, arts and sciences of recently conquered peoples, and when they were exhausted, and Islam had taken firm hold, the shell of "culture" collapsed and left the mumbling, illiterate, blood crazed imams in their natural element: 7th century tribalism and dirt.
The "Arab street" is only a "street" because some Westerner paved it. Left to themselves, it would be the "Arab camel track."
Ok. Steyn didn't put it exactly that way...the bit about "blood-crazed imams" and "Arab camel track" was my own. But you get the point.
He very sincerely warns us that if we don't act, Islam will destroy our world. At the same time, he acknowledges that it won't do them much good. As is perfectly obvious to everyone else on the planet, Islam is the cause of its own misery, and killing everyone else won't help.
European Post-Christian Multicultural Weakness embodied in EU bureaucracy and law is precisely what provides angry Muslims with free housing, welfare checks, computer technology, cell phones, the internet, plentiful food, medical care, financial privacy, civil rights, donations, lawyers, fast and easy transportation, and a robust infant survival rate.
Naturally, they will prove constitutionally unable to refrain from killing this golden goose. And what they will breed is a broken Europe, without the multi-culti sensitivities, appeasement hand-wringing, restraint, daintiness, pussyfooting and civilities made mandatory by the current Vichy EU government. When there are no more rules, Muslims may find they are not the only ones who delight in the decapitation of enemies.
Impaling may make a comeback. Lest they forget, Vlad Tepes was a European.
Rule #1--Dark Ages are dark for everyone.
At this point, I actually consider this a silver lining.
The Gunslinger
I often wonder why people are so harsh on the Middle Ages and the Dark Ages. I mean, really, when since the Middle Ages has civilisation in the West stood up for goodness in such a dogmatic and effective way, not only defending against X but building and loving Y?
ReplyDeleteHey Gunslinger, congrats on the grand nieces and condoles on the cats. I know how that feels! I'm just breaking in a new one after 23 years with Orange Up!
ReplyDeleteGood post: this is exactly what I fear. Not so long ago I had the illusion America would go it alone. Hate to break this to you, but I think America will go the same way. All the signs of surrender to dhimmitude are there as well. Still, I think/hope something unexpected still may happen to avert all that. Greece is a living example of what happens passing through the dhimmi dark age. They preserved their culture by getting very traditional and it is that what saves them at present from Europeism. But you get a huge black hole in your national history, that cannot be helped. God bless and keep us!
You are so right! Our spineless leaders sure seem to want to take us down that road. And since it is our "official government position", it's what makes the news.
ReplyDeleteBut beneath that "international" veneer, there are tens of millions of armed citizens who are not so crazy about the idea.
We violent, "gun-loving" Americans the Europeans so enjoy sneering at, have kept our guns...The Teeth of Liberty...in our own hands.
And that just might be the deciding factor, in the last act.
Still, that doesn't mean it won't be bloody awful.
(And thanks for the condolences on the cats. It was rather a blow...two gone within a couple of months. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. Nothing is cuter than a kitten—except maybe a new baby!)
Mr. Smith, I think it's the name. "Dark Ages" just doesn't sound very enLIGHTened.
ReplyDeleteAnd, of course, nobody is taught history anymore.
If this is enlightenment, where's the light switch?
ReplyDeleteThe last act, I'm ready, and depending on unknown factors etc. GS you will be welcome at our compound with open arms, (Freudian slip?)
ReplyDeleteharbinger: give me coordinates...I'll be there! Loaded for bear, with several cohorts equally heavy.
ReplyDeletemr. smith: Well, I can tell you where the lightswitch aint...wherever Muslims or Liberals rule.