Monday, April 30, 2007


Dr. John's picture in the last post got me thinking. Or thought wandering, more like...

Anyway. Do you suppose the fact that so many black Africans gave up Vodun for Christianity made them easier for the Muslims to conquer, enslave and murder? Nothing against Christianity...but it is awfully "nice". I mean, Voodoo has zombies, and blood sacrifice, and possession. Seems like those might come in handy in a fight to the death with fanatical Muslims.

I'm thinking a Black Mambo might be a little harder to kill than a nun.

Just a thought.

The Gunslinger


  1. Almost certainly. But how much easier than a Templar?

  2. You are so right. Only, the African Christians don't have any Templars...

    ...a situation which should be corrected as soon as possible!

  3. Corrected soon, and globally. :-)

  4. mr. smith: We need serious funding.
