Thursday, April 19, 2007

Trained Sheep

"...since we know that the historical fatality percentage from handgun wounds is relatively low, why is it so high in this incident? The answer is unescapable: The majority of wounds were at contact distance and to the head. The conclusion is also unescapable: Most victims lined up neatly and waited patiently for their turn to be executed!"
This is part of a note I received from a friend who is an internationally respected self-defense, combat and police firearms instructor.

It broke my heart. Have we really trained our children to be such compliant, submissive sheep?

From all reports, the goblin at Virginia Tech was not a trained gunslinger, just an attitude with a gun and so the chances of him shooting and killing so many people while they were on the move, dodging and weaving and diving for cover, is zero. A couple dead maybe...more by luck than skill...and a few wounded.

As my friend says, the inescapable answer is that these people were not moving, dodging and weaving and diving for cover, but standing still as this piece of shit walked up to them and shot them in the after the other.

I don't even know what to make of it, except that the hysterical Left and their fellow travelers & lapdogs, the Media and Hollywood, have concocted such a bogus, overhyped mystique about guns, that the ignorant are virtually frozen, sick with fear at the sight of one, and by inaction, cooperate in their own destruction.

The Gunslinger

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