Saturday, April 28, 2007

My New Baby

Yes, it's a happy day in the family. My niece had a brand new baby girl.

And I got my own new baby:

.45 Caliber, Kimber Stainless II, (1911 pistol)
Slender, well-balanced, accurate, and as I told Shieldwall..."smooth as butter".
Internal ejector; Lovely trigger action; Night-Sights.

Requires no midnight feedings.

Life is good.

(Anyone really into the specs can go here.)

The Gunslinger


  1. you lucky lucky lucky bastard,it`s a beauty!!!!!!.

  2. Is your "Conservative" party fighting to reestablish the right to bear arms?

    Here, most Democrats are gun confiscators, but the Republican Party is most definitely a 2nd Amendment support group.

  3. Nice Kimber. FWIW, every 1911 has an internal ejector. The art that appears in internal and external forms is the extractor.

  4. Stand corrected. My bad. You're absolutely right.
