"The writers of the U.S. Constitution understood the necessity for an armed citizenry. When only the government has guns, everyone else is just a slave. Gun-banners who would turn everyone's life and liberty over to the care of an all-powerful, central government, don't understand and don't agree with that." ---Alan Caruba
"All of these massacres, these terrorist attacks, have genuine possibilities for being stopped dead in their tracks if they encounter a well-armed, well-trained, educated public vigilant to defend their freedoms...[T]he proper public response is to promote the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. We can stop this evil if we choose to. Let's roll."
---Andrew Longman
"Why is the Virginia Tech murderer always referred to as the 'gunman' and not the 'murderer'? Had he stabbed a dozen students to death, would he be the 'knifeman'?" ---Dennis Prager
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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