As I said in my last post, the idea of giving high school diplomas to students who cannot demonstrate competency in the most basic subjects does not save them, but dooms them to failure in life. Without competency in reading, writing, speaking English and math, people will not enjoy the American Dream. They will occupy the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder, part of a growing and permanent under-class.
This is not good for them. It is not good for America. We have always prided ourselves on the upward mobility of people with ambition and guts who are not afraid of hard work. We have rejected the notion of an underclass, and celebrate the individual's liberty to rise as far as his talent and labor will take him. We have recognized that education is a requirement for that ascent.
Now, worrying more about the low self-esteem of students, should we fail them, than giving them the tools to actually succeed, we doom a particular group of them to permanent residency at the failed, bitter bottom of our society.
Students at government schools are no longer the future leaders of their generation. Students whose parents have the resources to send them to rigorous private schools, or to allow Mom to home-school, are the better-educated pool from which tomorrow's leaders will come.
The loss of focus of our government schools on History, Literature, Classical Languages, Philosophy & Ethics, Math & Science, and Intellectual rigor, replaced by a focus on identity politics, racial animus, self-esteem sans accomplishment, moral relativism, sexuality, instant gratification and emotionalism has resulted in some of the worst educated students in the industrialized world. Low expectations and the loss of focus assures that those with the advantage of private or home-schooling will have the tools, the knowledge, the talent and the skills to out perform government students in the demanding, essential fields in the marketplace, the halls of leadership and the world of ideas of our time.
In other words, we are in the process of creating a rigid class system. The successful, well-educated students will rise to positions of power, status, influence and wealth, sending their children to exclusive, private schools, while the ill-prepared government graduates will be handicapped by mediocre educations, relegated to the lower echelon, from which they can only afford to send their own children to government schools which continue their dismal downward spiral..resulting in each generation receiving a worse education than the one preceding it, locking generations out of the American Dream.
If this is the sort of society that we envision as Utopian...we should continue to operate government schools as we do now: not teaching fundamental skills, focusing on politically correct propaganda instead of actual subjects, passing students who fail, teaching self-esteem without accomplishment, awarding preferences to favored groups (i.e.,penalizing them through low-expectations), and continually graduating students who cannot even read, write or cipher, let alone compete in the competitive, demanding, challenging, high-stakes, fast-paced, cut-throat arena of the REAL WORLD.
The Left, deconstructionists of the once noble idea of public schools, is incapable of looking past the "feelings" of the students. If you fail them, or make them work hard, or correct them, or discipline them, or establish high expectations, or demand excellence...they might "feel" bad...and we absolutely cannot have that. Better to make them "feel" good in high school, and doom them to failure for the rest of their lives than make them meet an actual standard.
What a fucking philosophy.
(Too bad you can't just shoot the bastards.)
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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