If you read the news, you can't have missed the parade of the Left's current crusades:
Eco-hustlers who want to shove Kyoto type regulations down our throats in spite of the expense, the destruction of our economy, the devestation it promises to third-world millions by starvation, lack of clean water and air, etc. in spite of the fact that actual science does not support their alarmist claims.
Queer-hustlers whose mission is to silence and punish anyone who does not celebrate homosexuality, whether in the classroom, the workplace, the church pulpit, charitable institutions, city hall, even the privacy of the home of Foster Parents, and who participated in creating the Thought Police through "Hate-Crimes" legislation.
Feminism-hustlers who insist that women are the equal of men in all catagories, that men are responsible for the oppression of women and that male dominated socities must be transformed into Goddess worshipping cultures where female genitalia are considered holy.
Abortion-hustlers, who insist on limitless access to "free" abortion for any woman, for any reason, at any time, at any age, as many times as she likes. This is to be paid for by everyone...whether they have a fundamental moral objection or not.
Peace-hustlers who claim that peace trumps everything; NOTHING is worth fighting/killing/dying for.
Race-hustlers who insist racism is responsible for everything that white people think, feel and do and that White Racism is responsible for every failing, sin and crime of any 'person of color'. They viciously attack those minority individuals who become successful "off the plantation" of their racial politics, as such behavior indicts their "message" as posturing, divisive, self-serving rhetoric.
Atheism-hustlers who want to expunge the slightest hint of religious faith from every square inch of the planet. Though less than .5% of the population, they claim to have the right to demand that over 99.5% of the population refrain from "offending" them with the merest whisper of religious faith.
Islamofascist/terrorist-hustlers who sponsor, support or defend Islam/terrorists, and show particular sensitivity to all things Muslim, and insistently claim that all Muslim violence is a legitimate and righteous reaction to...anyone who actually objects to being slaughtered, ruled, bullied, invaded, controlled, raped, mutilated, terrorized, stoned, beheaded, censored, demonized or tyrannized by crazed, illiterate, Koran chanting, 5th century Muslims. They often have a smiliar agenda to Atheism-hustlers, but only want to expunge Christianity and Judiasm (and/or Christians and Jews) from the planet.
Libertinism-hustlers who believe that "expressing" oneself, whether with indecent clothing, foul language, questionable "art", loud music, no matter how offensive to others, is their inalienable right, guaranteed by the First Amendment. They believe that if someone criticizes them, no matter how politely, objectively or fairly, that their First Amendment rights are being violated. They believe that censuring, attacking, threatening or shouting down those who do not agree with them is guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Multicultural-hustlers who grant singular moral authority to all third-world countries, particularly those with pre-industrial societies, and celebrate their "non-contamination" by the West, no matter how the actual people in these countries suffer as a result of living in the stone age. In industrial countries, they insistently demand that people be separated into cultural and racial identity-tribes.
There are many more of course. But even these few demonstrate an odd, even surreally fragmented world-view.
While there is consistency in these positions in so far as they all stand against Western Christian Civilization and all it has wrought and holds dear, they are internally inconsistent to a degree that astounds even the casual observer and makes one wonder if any of the Left have considered how they can all be simultaneously triumphant.
How do you get tribalism (biggest cause of war in history) along with "peace at any cost"?
How do you get radical homosexuality, feminism, libertinism, abortion on demand, atheism along with Radical Islam?
How do you get tribalism, or the feminist Goddess along with atheism?
How do you get radical environmentalism along with Radical Islam (bombs are BAD for the environment!) or tribalism with its necessarily limited, self-referential world-view?
I can't go on. It's hurting my mind.
The foundation is mud, the edifice is unstable. They are trying to build the Tower of Babel, in separate dimensions. They demand incompatible states of being. I think, clinically, this is the definition of insanity.
(Too bad you can't just shoot the bastards.)
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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