Thursday, March 07, 2013

Evil Twins • Tools of the Devil

The headline in Drudge called these RINO pieces of shit "Old Bulls".

Sorry. No matter the age, a BULL has BALLS. And these two assholes have long since traded theirs for the chance to lick the boots of the Proglodyte enemy.

They had dinner with the pResident while Rand Paul was exhausting himself, trying to bring attention to an stunning and outrageous usurpation of power over the ife and death of American "subjects" reminiscent of the old Russian Czars.

I've overdone obscenities apparently because even in my own mind I simply don't have low-down-dirty-rotten names bad enough to call these limp-dicked butt-lickers.

Read this and weep for the Republican Party...and the United States of America. If THIS is the opposition to Øbongo's Progressive tryanny, we are good and truly fucked doomed.

Lindsay-boy says: 

"...asking whether the president has the power to kill Americans here at home is a ludicrous question."

“I do not believe that question deserves an answer,” Mr. Graham said.

Well, yeah....except, you know, for the fact that the White House thugs have subsequently said HELL YES WE CAN KILL ANYBODY WE WANT TO!

(I wonder if he's feeling like the stupid ass he is, about now.)


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