Not that this is news to anyone who reads this blog...but the invidious, insidious piece of crap its Senate proponents ironically referred to as an immigration "Reform" bill has gone down in flames.
Yee-Haw! Hoo-Yaw!
I feel as I did last we have been given a reprieve of sorts.
Oh, all the same 20+ millions illegals are here...and more are sneaking their way across our borders every hour, sucking our resources dry.
But at least for the moment, they're not getting officially, legally pampered, flattered and rewarded for it.
Certainly it's a small enough victory, but one that leaves open the possibility that in the end common sense may prevail.
God, we have GOT to take the presidency and majority in Congress in 2008.
This obscenity will arise again and stalk the land. And the "Fairness" Doctrine, that hideous, illegal, unconstitutional, frontal assault attack on the First Amendment Right of Free Speech is on its way. That's a guarantee. Even more so as a result of the overwhelming public response that is responsible for the trashing of this immigration "Reform" excrement.
Our overlords don't believe our response is informed opinion based on facts and analysis, because they believe We-The-People are too stupid to think for ourselves, or disagree with them all by our little selves. To them we are only mindless little lemmings waiting to be stampeded in any direction the howling demagogues of Conservative Talk Radio herd us.
And they intend to put a stop to that shit right quick.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
That piece of crap so called 'Bill' has gone where it should. Now, I think the number one thing that has to be done is getting the border secured.
ReplyDeleteI love the way they make such an idiotic bill such a priority, trying to ram it through so quickly. That alone should raise concerns. They try that here all the time.
The "Fairness" Doctrine, another sad joke, was implemented long ago for reasons that are no longer relevant. The Left already dominates almost all media except Talk Radio, WTF? Do they know what they are hoping for?
To listen to their reason that too many people only get one side of an issue in a world that has more sources of news the world has ever experienced is absolute bullshit and insanity.
What a disaster it will be if the Dems take the presidency and majority in Congress in 2008
They're arrogant pricks who don't care what the "unwashed masses"...that would be US...think.
ReplyDeleteThey have been in power too long. They are de facto Royalty (post about this soon)...who feel they are the enlightened ones, chosen by God or destiny to rule us.
The "fairness" doctrine is, to them, a perfectly appropriate tool to use to silence us...whose uppity opinions are inconvenient to them.
They are outraged that we dare defy them. Just who do we think we are?
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ReplyDeleteGod help us if a single party controls everything after 2008, be it either Republican or Democrat. How soon you unwashed, unedjucated little people forget what kind of mess Republicans made in Washington over the past few years.
ReplyDeleteBTW, even an elite, edjucated liberal like me is glad the immigration bill croaked.
The Republicans are pukes too. But they're less dangerous because their base will only put up with so much before the drop the hammer.
ReplyDeleteWith the Democrats in charge, there is no adult supervision at all.
And I don't mean to pick on you Steve...but calling yourself educated, and spelling it with a "j" is pretty funny.
Unless, of course, you MEANT to be ironic.
So your solution to my Republican senator who supported the bill would be?
ReplyDeleteSupport him and get more of the same. Oppose him and get worse. Vote third party and throw my vote away. My options appear limited.
Work the damn system:
ReplyDeleteNominate a better man in the Republican Primary. Work for him. Help him beat your pro-Amnesty sell-out, thereby getting a good Republican to vote for!
Not necessarily easy.