Heard at the "Take Back America" Liberal Conference:
[Bush's government has] "a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok," she said in one of the more partisan speeches of her campaign. "It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent."
...said Hillary Clinton, well-known enemy of corruption and cronyism.
"On everything from stem cell research to global warming to Plan B contraception, the president has worked to turn Washington, D.C., into an evidence-free zone," she said to loud applause. "Facts have been subordinated to opinions and beliefs. I think we've had enough. There is no conflict between faith and science.
...said Hillary Clinton, well-known defender of truth, evidence and religion
Irony is her new campaign strategy apparently.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
ReplyDeleteYou know the left has no cognizent sanity when they hold her up as a potential leader of the free world
Hillary makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up - that's never a good sign.
Agreed. What a skank.