Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm OK...and will be back soon!

Wow, thanks for the concern boys! Sorry I've let you down. Things have been crazy here.

And politics is sooooo depressing that's it's hard to hold one's head up. America is now ruled by a Congress of flashback hippies who's idea of glory is losing a war. And the editors of the major news outlets are still trying to be Woodword and Bernstein. Nothing would please any of these traitors more than America losing another war.

If it was up to me, I'd outlaw anyone from running for Congress who still thinks the 60's were cool.

These losers are reliving their glory days! And all they need for a perfect ending is another American defeat. And then they can all die happy.

Of course, they'll die surprised, instead...in a terrorist attack. But you can't tell these geniuses anything. They're on a roll. Blind to everything but their own internal hunger for a repeat of that winning touchdown pass at the homecoming game when they were 17. It's a powerful urge in unwise age. And nobody is less wise that an aging Liberal Democrat.

You want to believe it couldn't happen in real life. But, here we are, climbing down into the basement in a bad Hollywood horror movie, right into the arms of the monster...while those of us in the audience are screaming----"Don't go down there!" But are never heard.

Monsters are real. And the Democrats are going to find out the hard way. Unfortunately, the slasher in the dark won't just kill them.

I'm having a hard time dealing.

The Gunslinger

Will Generation X save us from ourselves?


  1. Wow. I would have expected you to get angry, Gunslinger. Very, very, angry. Why so sad instead?

  2. HOORAAY,she`s alive,welcome back,we were starting to get worried,glad all is relatively well,have you got another pet yet?(hope you dont mind me asking)

  3. At least you are allowed to have guns in the USA, we aren't even allowed to have an opinion over here in Britanistan.

    Welcome back, Gunslinger...(-;

  4. Glad to read you again GS, just want to say that watching Pelosi during President Bush's speech last night made me feel all icky, or something.
    It was hard to stomach.
