Friday, December 01, 2006

Kitty Time...

As is obvious to anyone who reads this blog, I haven't been posting much lately. A variety of things have contributed to this, paramount is the fact that I've just lost my darling cat to cancer.

I'm not much interested in anything right now but missing her.

I'm not ignoring your comments...I appreciate them...I'm just too bummed to concentrate on the wider world right now.

When I start to care about the rest of the world's problems, and not just my own...I'll be back

Meanwhile...say a little prayer for my baby...

The Gunslinger


  1. I'm so sorry, that bloody C, five cats own me presently,I do know how you feel.

    She is now safely in kitty heaven playing with Angel and Misty,two beauties I had once known.


  2. sorry to here the bad news GS,they certainly become a loved member of the family,I have a dog ,and he is like my fourth child to me.Time is a great healer,so hang in there and keep your chin up.All the best.

  3. Despite the 'tough guy' image I present on my blog I'm really a big softie at heart, one thing guaranteed to bring tears to my eyes is seeing an animal suffer.

    I hope 'Kitty' passed on peacefully.

    God bless!
